Bones and Muscles

Bones and Muscles

We refer to the bones and muscles as to the most important compound parts of skeletal and muscular systems. Because of these body parts being such organs like heart, liver and kidneys, we can talk about their anatomical structure, their functions and their pathology.

In the first place, the structure of a bone and a muscle appears a thing to be talked about. A bone is known to consist of cartilage cells, bones cells, fibrous connective tissue, blood vessels aand nerves. Needless to say, the most typical long bones have two ends and a slender shaft between them. The inner space is just big enough for the red and yellow marrow to go in it. The first ones are considered especially important for the production of the RBC. It also needs to be mentioned that chemically the bone is composed of organic materials, giving elasticity and flexibility,and inorganic materials, making the bones hard and strong. That‘s why the bone nneeds a constant supply of minerals, vitamins and hormones in order to keep the balance between those two parts.

As far as the bone composition is discussed, the structure of a muscle is also important. Why not look at it more ccarefully? At first look, one can find out the muscles to be striated. Also muscles consist of a large number of microscopic myofibriles, which could be easily seen while investigating muscle with a microscope. The myofibriles are joined together by a connective tissue. An abundant supply of oxygen and nutrients as well as the link between the CNS and the muscle is ensured by the blood vessels and nerves, penetrating the muscle structure. To give more details, a place where muscle joins with a bone is known to be a tendon. Moreover, it needs to be said that bones articulate at joints, which can be of many various shapes and structures and which gives a greater freedom of movement.

Now having ddiscussed the structure of a bone and a muscle, it‘s time to name their most important functions. Bones form the supporting framework of the body, provide muscle attachments and function in movement of the body. Not only do they protect the vital internal organs, but they also serve the essential body minerals and product RBC as well as WBC.

When talked about bones, muscles can‘t be forgotton. So they are included in moving, in producing the heat and in forming tthe main body‘s weight. It‘s an interesting fact to know that they represent 40 to 50 percent of our general mass.

Although bones and muscles appear to be strong, flexible and not very vulnerable parts of our body, this attitude is mistaken in a way that these structures in fact hardly become infected, but when this occurs, the diseases are especially severe and painful. Bone TB, myasthenia gravis, bursitis, broken bones are hardly curable and persistent maladies, sometimes even requiring a surgical intervention. A bone graft surgery, for example, is found to be one of the most impressive medical achievements. Patients, whose diagnosis some time ago seemed to be hopeless, due to the development of surgical treatment and chemotherapy are likely to get a new chance, leading to an improved life quality.

So to take everything into account, bones and muscles serve for us everyday even when we don‘t think that they do. If you lost the control of them, you wouldn‘t be able to eat, to walk and even to make such a simple action as to smile. Healthy body provides a happy life and this gives some importance to our bones and muscles, doesn‘t it ?