Bill gates


William H. (Bill) Gates – Chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft. Born

October 28, 1955 shortly after 9 PM. He is reported to be the richest private individual in the

World topping the Forbes list of richest people for both 1996 and 1997


Gates and his pal Paul Allen produced two programs in the 8th grade: one played

tic-tac-toe. Before long, they were moonlighting as adolescent computer consultants for a local

corporation. In high school, Gates and his friends devised a pprogram that analyzed traffic data

for his hometown.

Windows takes over

Soon after Gates unveiled his Windows 3.0 program in 1990, the applications software

industry was crying uncle. Over 60 million copies of the Windows progam were sold, which

established Microsoft_s operating system as the PC software standard and left companies like

Lotus and WordPerfect scrambling because they had been creating applications for IBM_s

system, the OS/2. Six years after the Windows launch, Microsoft dominates the word processing

and spreadsheet mark.

Corporation as Cult

The suburban Microsoft „„campus,“ a cluster of 35 low-rise buildings, is set among lawns,

groves of white pines and shady courtyards that make the place resemble a college. But in

contrast to the sedate intellectualism of the average college, Microsoft rewards the brusque

„math camp“ mentality: aa lot of cocky geeks willing to wave their fingers and yell with the cute

conviction that all problems have a right answer. Among Gates favorite phrases is „That_s the

stupidest thing I_ve ever heard,“ and victims wear it as a badge of honor, bragging about it the

way they do about getting a late-night E-mail from him.


Built into a bluff fronting Lake Washington, the home Gates has been working on for

more than four years has 40,000 square feet of living space and a vaulted 30-car garage. One of

his favorite features: two dozen 40-in. monitors will form a flat-screen display covering an entire

wall. As visitors pass into each room, wearing an electronically -coded pin, music they like will

begin to play. Estimated VValue: $40 million.

When Microsoft was based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in its early years, Gates bought

a Porsche 911 and used to race it in the desert; Paul Allen had to bail him out of jail after one

midnight escapade. Later, he bought a Porsche 930 Turbo he called the „rocket,“ then a

Mercedes, a Jaguar XJ6, a $60,000 Carrera Cabriolet 964, a $380,000 Porsche 959 that ended up

impounded in a customs shed because it couldn_t meet import emission standards, and a FFerrari

348 that became known as the „dune buggy“ after he spun it into the sand.


Netscape, Oracle and Sun have publicly made thwarting Gates_s „plan for world

domination“ a holy crusade. They accuse him of trying to leverage Microsoft_s near-monopoly in

desktop operating systems unfairly with the goal of dominating everything from word processing

and spreadsheet applications to web browsers and content.

„Where will it stop? They_ll go on to bundle in content, their Microsoft Network,

financial transactions, travel services, everything. They have a game plan to monopolize every

market they touch,“ says Gary Reback, the Silicon Valley antitrust lawyer representing Netscape

and other Microsoft competitors.

Gates makes no apologies for integrating his own browser into Windows.