Largest cities of Lithuania
• Largest cities of Lithuania
Vilnius – the capital city of Lithuania. It is the largest and most beautiful city. Famous for its architectural diversity, churches, towers, medieval courtyards and narrow streets, parks and museums. Old town of Vilnius city is the largest in Eastern Europe. Šiauliai – fourth biggest town in Lithuania and one of the biggest cultural centres. Šiauliai is famous for the Hill of Crosses and beautiful mounds. Šiauliai art gallery is one of the most important galleries oof fine art in Northern Lithuania. Here you will also number of museums and galleries.
Kaunas – the second largest city of Lithuania, industrial and cultural city. Attractive for many of buildings and arts of different epochs, remains of castles, beautiful churches, old castles and art galleries. Famous for baroque monument Pažaislis monastery and open-air Country Life Museum in Rumšiškės. Panėvėžys – the fith largest city in Lithuania. Famous for its contribution to Lithuanian theatre and the arts in general. Here you wwill also find several museums and galleries, churches, botanical reserves around the town.
Klaipėda – seaport and the third largest city of the country. Famous four a Marine Museum and Aquarium with a Dolphinarium. Alytus – sixth largest Lithuanian city. Several historical, eethnography and memorial museums are established here. Famous for its beatiful landscape: Alytus city mound, Song valley, botanic reserve, Dailidė lake and nice parks and gardens.
• Resorts
Birštonas – is a small quiet town in the Southern Lithuania. The town is situated on the benches of the Nemunas river. A town is full of paths for walking and cycling around the town, along the river, in the forests. Palanga – favourite resort town in Lithuania. Palanga is the town situated at the Baltic seashore. Here you will find and both architectural and historical masterpieces. The town is outstanding for its Amber Museum surrounded by the nice park an for the Botanic park as well.
Druskininkai – resort situated on the bank oof the Nemunas river, surrounded by pine forests, valleys. A lake Druskonis is situated in the middle of the town. The town is aslo famous for M. K. Čiurlionis museum. M. K. Čiurnionis is a world’s famous painter and composer.