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A discursive composition


Many people think that it will be a good idea if there is only one international language. Others think there should be more than one. So, who is the right?

To begin with if people used only one language, communication would be much easier. Furthermore, translators would be absolutely unnecessary, because if everyone spoke the same language, we would all get along well.

On the other hand, people could stop using their languages aand in that way they would lose apart of their culture. Another thing is that probably many people would not speak the language well and they would not always understand everything. It is worth remmembering that native speakers would have an unfair advantage.

From my point of view, there should be more than one international language, because we don’t want to lose our own languages. In addition to this, Esperanto was not so succesfull.


1) It is often ssaid that.

2) However, in my opinion.

3) Although a number of people think that., it is also the case that.

4) From my point of view, .

5) While it is true that., on the other hand.

6) Finally it is important to remember tthat.

7) On balance then I feel that.

8) Firstly.

9) Secondly.

10) Lastly.


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing in reply to your advertisement concerning possible taking one of scholarships you are offering.

To begin with, I am a 16-year old Serbian student and I come from Banja Luka in the north of The Republic of Srpska. At present, I am still in the second year of high school. I have been learning English for eight years and can speak it quite well. In addition to this, I hope to pass the Cambridge First Certificate in English in December.

I would definitely improve my spoken English if I had a chance to practise it in England. This is one of the main reasons wwhy I am applying for this scholarship. On the other hand, I have always been interested in visiting new countries, though my parents couldn’t afford me that. So, I think that this is the opportunity I have been looking for whole my life. I would be very grateful if you would consider my application for this scholarship.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Tatjana Vucic


1) I am writing in response to your advertisment.

2) I would be grateful iif you.

3) I am writing to enquire whether you.

4) I have always been interested in.

5) I have a lot of experience of.

6) The main reason why I am applying for this job is.

7) I would be very grateful if you would consider my application for this scholarship.

8) Please don’t hesitate to contact me at the above address if you need any further information.

9) Yours sincerely.

10) Yours faithfully.


Dear Ann,

Sorry I haven’t written to you before, but I’ve been very busy recently studying for my exams.

Firstly, I must say that I’m very glad because you live in Bijeljina now. We are so close to each other, which is really cool. You said in your letter that you were feeling lonely, but you shouldn’t! There are many young people around you, who are certainly in a mood for meeting new people, especially foreigners. So, I suggest that you should enrol in some language schools, where people want to speak about many things in English. You could tell them about life in Britain, about youngsters, culture. everything you like! In that way, you will also learn a lot about our culture, night life, school system etc. That is, at the ssame time, good opportunity for you to make some friends. Perhaps, you could go out with them sometimes.

Finally, it is important to remember that you can always come to my town and stay at my house, at least during the weekends. We can arange some picnics, if you like. Just say! Oh, I remembered something! How about comming to my best friend’s birthday party next Saturday! My friends would be really happy to meet you! Think about it! I hope you will accept my offer. Write soon and let me know if you are planning to come. Actually, don’t think about it! Just say ‘yes’! You won’t feel lonely any more!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,



1) Thanks so much for your letter It was really great to hear from you.

2) Sorry not to have written before.

3) Thought I’d better write to let you know.

4) I think that’s all my news for the moment.

5) Do write soon and let me know.

6) I was wondering if you might like to.

7) Thanks very much for.

8) Last time you wrote you asked.

9) Give my love to.

10) All the best.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about a vvacuum cleaner which I bought by mail order from your company last week.

First of all, it is very difficult to move. Secondly, everyting spills out when i use it. Another thing is that my furniture was damaged after only two uses of your vacuum cleaner. Also, it is not true that the price of it is lower than at any store, because many shops sell it cheaper. I tried to get through to you, but nobody every answers my phone-calls. How is it possible? You might not want to answer me.

So, I am sure you will understand why I feel so annoyed by all this. I expect you will offer me a complete refund or exchange the original for one which is in a decent condition.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Tatjana Vucic


1) I an writing to you about an unfortunate incident that.

2) My most serious complaint is.

3) If this were not enough.

4) If i do not., I will have no choice but to.

5) I would be gratefull if you could.

6) I have been waiting.

7) To make matters worse.

8) Not only. but also.

9) Unless you. I have no option but to.

10) I writing to express

my concern about.



I bet you are probably very excited about taking CAE exam. A great number of you think that this is very hard, don’t you? But, it’s not if you organise your time properly. Believe me!

First of all, you should make your study plans. For example, you should decide how long you can study, which is the best time for studying, according to your ‘body-clock’, in which room you are the mmost concentrated. On the other hand, it’s very important to have some free time for relaxing, going out with your friends, walking etc.

Secondly, it would be very good if you read as much litereture in English as you can in order to have wider vocabulary and to improve your reading skills. Another thing which could be very useful is to write interesting essays about different topics.In that way you are improving your writing, and at the same time you’re testing yyour grammar and vocabulary. Also I would recommand that you should speak in English and listen to cassettes to have better accent, but also to develop your listening and speaking skills. If i were you, I would mix all these aactivities, which means, I would do a bit of every task each day, so it wouldn’t be boring and tiring.

On the other hand, what you should do in the final week? I suggest revising everything you have learned, but you should not exaggerate, because you could jumble all and become confused. It’s very important to have a good rest a few days before the exam.

As you can see, it’s not a big deal to organise your studies effectively, isn’t it?


1) I bet you don’t.

2) I’m sure you’ll agree.

3) Let’s look at the problem.

4) Another problem is.

5) Why not give it a try?

6) On the one hand.

7) On the other hand.

8) We are all supposed to.




Nowadays more and more students finish school with unsatisfactory level of english. The main aim of this report is to explain why this is happening and what we could do to change it.


There are obviously lot of reasons why our students fail to reach a good level of spoken English. As a matter of fact, researchers have found out that only 10% of students can speak English ffluently. The other 90% has lots of difficulties in coping with sentence formation and vocabulary. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that teachers aren’t placing a much significance on speaking and listening, as they do on grammar. The fact is that students are really good in grammar, but can’t use it while speaking.

Another thing is that they are complaining about very old-fashioned approach to some excercises since teachers are asking for too many details, which are not so important for improving general knowledge of English.


First of all, there should be an interactive way of learning. According to some countries which have interactive classes, students are more interested in and, therefore, results are much better. This includes using computers, listening to songs and watching films without subtitles.


Clearly, changes should be made in order to motivate students. The solutions to all problems is training teachers to use interactive learning in everyday classes.


1) The aim of this report is to describe.

2) In this report, I will present.

3) This report provides a evaluation.

4) I spoke to several members of our sales staff.

5) I conducted a survey among college graduates.

6) According to.

7) The following reasons were given for.

8) I would rrecommend, therefore, .