Paragraph: Television is a good companion for lonely people.

[TOPIC – tema, tai apie ką bus kalbama]

Television is a good companion for lonely people.

[SUPPORT #1 – pirmas pagrindimas, įrodymas]

Lonely people do not go out very often so television is the best and the cheapest form of entertainment. They can get all the benifit from the television just having a TV and an aerial (antena).

[SUPPORT #2 – antras pagrindimas, įrodymas]

People who are lonely, spend most of their time at home. They don‘t need to buy expensive books or newspapers to ffind out something about current affairs or other recent things because they can get those things just watching TV.

[SUPPORT #3 – trečias pagrindimas, įrodymas]

The vast majority of lonely people are elderly people so television is good companion for them because in this way they can enjoy shows or films without going out – just staying at home, sitting in front of the screen.

[CONCLUSION – tas pats kas ir TOPIC, tik kitais žodžiais]

Television, with all its pros, is not just aa way of entertainment for lonely people, but it can be a good friend for them.

Television is a good companion for lonely people. Firstly, lonely people do not go out very often so television is the best and the cheapest fform of entertainment. They can get all the benifit from the television just having a TV and an aerial. Furthermore, People who are lonely, spend most of their time at home. They don‘t need to buy expensive books or newspapers to find out something about current affairs or other recent things because they can get those things just watching TV. Moreover, The vast majority of lonely people are elderly people so television is good companion for them because in this way they can enjoy shows or films without going out – just staying at home, sitting in front of the screen. To sum up, television, with all its pros, is not just a way of entertainment for lonely people, but iit can be a good friend for them.