My future profesion
After secondary school I will take entrance examinations and enter the university. Most young people want to go to a university. I do too. I want to be an economist or to know how to rule banks. I want to have a profession which brings me money. I think that money is very important to get married. If I haven’t money I won’t be able to maintain family. Sometimes I dream about the lawyer’s profession. Sometimes II want to be an actor. If I enter the university , I would like to study book-keeping. I like that kind of work. I like paper work, maybe it is in my blood. My father, my aunt and my uncle are book-keepers. People who have this profession are required in every firm, or in another organisations. This profession is very old. I think that it was founded , when people made money. It was long time ago. Some people tthink that this profession is not very interesting, I don’t agree with them.
If I don’t enter the university , I’ll try to enter a private college. There I would like to study how to rule banks. I think tthis profession is very progressive now. I can’t say that I will choose one of these professions. It is only my dreams. If I want to study one of these professions I must work harder than now.