My favorite singer

My favorite singer

My favorite singer is Jennifer Lopez. She was born in 1970’s, in Bronx. Her father David was a computer technician. Her mother Guadalupe taught kindergarden. Jennifer is the middle of three daughters. Her elder sister Leslie is a housewife who sings in opera. Her younger sister Lynda is a DJ. Jennifer’s parents were born in Puerto Riko, but had not met until both came to America.

Jennifer took singing and dancing lessons from 5 years. After graduating high sschool she shortly worked in a law office. During this time she continued dance classes at night. At 18 she left home because her mother was scared by her decision to continue proceed show business. So Jennifer moved out, for a while sleeping in the building where she’d won a scholarship to study dance.

In 1999 she released her new debut album “On the 6”. More would come with 2001’s “J.Lo” album and 2002’s “This is Me.Then”.

In the meantime sshe become a film star. With “The Cell” she became the first Latin actress. In the movie she played an experimental psychologist who’s discovered a way to literally enter the minds of her patients. “The Cell” featured some excellent VR eeffects and was another big hit of Jennifer.

Perhaps she would soon earn the one thing the absolute respect of public and peers alike.