Education in Lithuania
Education in Lithuania
1. Education on the whole
2. Education fees in schools and Universities
3. Famous high schools of Lithuania
4. Famous foreign high schools
5. Education obtainable in Vilnius University
6. Types of high education
7. Education and studies in Communication Dept.
Main shit
Children start to go school at age of seven. They can stay at secondary school for 12 years but some of them leave it after tenth form. These pupils usually go to vocational junior colleges where they can get secondary education and profession. But these schools are ggetting less popular now, because more and more students want to study at the University.
Money for education
Officially education in Lithuania is free, but reality shows different things. At universities there are students who pay for their studies big money. And that is a problem in Lithuania. Secondary education is officially and practically free, although there are some private schools where pupils can get the same education. But now secondary education is getting more and more expensive because of the llack of literature and other learning tools.
In Vilnius there are few Universities (high schools). The most famous are Vilnius University and Gediminas Technical University. These high schools have the biggest number of students and in Vilnius they are the bbiggest. Other Universities to mention: Kaunas Technical University (KTU), Klaipeda University, Vilnius Pedagogical University. Also there are some high schools like Lithuanian Law Academy. There are some famous foreign high schools which are very popular among Lithuanian students. Some of them are Concordia International Tallin, SSE Riga, Concordia International (other foreign countries), Harward University UK, etc.
Vilnius University was founded in 1579, when Vilnius College was transformed to University status. Now the University has 12 departments, 4 institutes. Now VU has about ~15 thousand students.
In Lithuania high school education is acknowledged after ending of main studies. The people who finish the main studies obtain the degree of bachelor of special qualification. Bachelor is the first academical degree, which shows that aa person has high education and the main background of selected studies. People must collect not less than 160 credits – and that means 6400 hours. These studies are finished with exams or final bachelor work.
To obtain master of science you need to finish the bachelor studies first. The master of science degree means the preparation to practical activities or achieve he doctor thesis. The master of science lasts 2 years and you have to collect 80 credits. After tthese studies the person is given a diploma in master sciences.
We are studying in Vilnius University Communication faculty. This faculty is not very old, almost the youngest of all faculties and academies. In this faculty people can find the specialities of Library Science, Information management (Informology), Journalism and Business Information management. All these types of studies are not very old, except the library science which was a part of History dept. curriculum and only later it became as Communication science. The youngest studies is Business Information management. It was created only 10 years or so ago. These studies are made in cooperation with Economics Faculty. The studies of informology are the most popular in this faculty. The science information management became popular only 10 or 20 years ago, because of the so called information revolution. Information is becoming more and more strategically important thing. To be successful is to have information. So these studies are interesting and many choose it because of good future perspectives. Library science has the biggest number of people, but it is not so popular because young people think that this speciality has no perspective. The studies of journalism are also very popular and they have tthe smallest number of available places. These studies are far away because of its geographical position, so it is hard to communicate.
State school – valstybinė mokykla
Syllabus – dalyko programa
Curriculum – studijų programa
Admit/enroll to the University – priimti į.
School breaks up – mokslas baigiasi.
To keep abreast – neatsilikti
Lag behind – atsilikti