About dinosaurs
One of the smallest dinosaurs known, Compsognathus grew only about as large as a chicken, but with a length of about 60–90 cm (2–3 feet), including the long tail, and a weight of about 5.5 kg (12 pounds). A swift runner, it was lightly built and had a long neck and tail, strong hind. The Compsognathus is the smallest dinosaur in the Jurassic Period. It only ran on its two back legs. Its shape allows it to run fast and sswiftly. This can help it to run from all the predators. Its top speed was twetny-five miles per hour.
It was the size of a chicken. It was only two and a half feet long including the tail. its height was only one foot tall. It weighed only ten pounds. Seeing how it runs so fast because it only weighed so little, which made a lot easier to run from predators.
It’s pointed head which was only three inches long wwas the smallest part of its whole body. The tail was longer than the head, neck, and body put together. It had sharp big teeth that were found in its fossil skull. The compsognathus really needed sharp teeth because his hhead was probabaly the size of your palm, so it’s sharp teeth helped it a lot to chew and eat.
It had no fur, which was really good for him because the air was hot, if it had fur it could die by being overheated. It was a cold blooded animal, that needed to be more warmed up because it allows it to move around more. If the air was to be cold it would make it hard for him to run fast, and if it could not move, the bigger animals would eat him all up.
Pteranodon was flying reptile that was about 1.8 m long. Reptiles had hollow bones, was lightly built, had almost no tail, and small bodies. They mmay have had fur. They had large brains and good eyesight. Some reptiles had long, lightweight, bony crests on their heads. They may have acted as a rudder or stabilizer when flying, or may have been a sexual characteristic. Reptiles had no teeth. It had a 7.8 m wingspread, and weighed about 18 kg. This wingspan is longer than any known bird. A leathery membrane covered its wings. This thin but tough membrane stretched between its body, the top of iits legs and its elongated fourth fingers, forming the structure of the wing. Claws protruded from the other fingers.
Velociraptor was a fast-running, two-legged (bipedal) dinosaur. This meat-eater had about 80 very sharp, curved teeth in a long, flat snout; some of the teeth were over an inch (2.5 cm) long. This predator had an s-shaped neck, arms with three-fingered clawed hands, long thin legs, and four-toed clawed feet. Velociraptor’s head was about 7 inches (18 cm) long. Was a fast running, 2 legged (bipedal) meat eating dinosaur with 80 very sharp, curved teeth, some being over an inch long, in a long flat snout, an S shaped neck, arms with 3 fingered clawed hands, long thin legs, 4 clawed feet and a stiff tail that worked as a counterbalance in order to make very quick turns. It probably could run about 40 mph for short burst. Its brain was relatively large in comparison to it body and, as result, was one of the most intelligent dinosaurs. Velociraptor lived in the late Cretaceous Period 85 to 80 million years ago
Short deep jaws with banana-sized sharp teeth, long hind limbs, small beady eyes, and tiny forelimbs typify a tyrannosaur. The TTyrannosauridae included such similar animals as Albertosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Tarbosaurus, and of course Tyrannosaurus rex. A tremendous skeleton of The name says it all. This group of huge carnivores must have tyrannically ruled the land during the last part of the Cretaceous, 85 to 65 million years ago. Short but deep jaws with banana-sized sharp teeth, long hind limbs, small beady eyes, and tiny forelimbs (arms) typify a tyrannosaur. Tyrannosaurs are my favourite group of dinosaur (as you can see by looking at the rest of my page). They were a group that contained some of the largest land-living, meat-eating animals that ever lived. They grew to frightening sizes, although they did not start out big. It used to be thought that all of the large meat-eaters came from the same ancestor. Recent studies have shown that large meat-eaters came from at least three different ancestors. Tyrannosaurs came from a small group of dinosaurs called the Coelur