Anglų gramatika



Present Indefinite – veiksmas, priskiriamas esamajam laikui, bet paprastai

nevykstantis kalbos momentu.

|Teigiamoji forma|Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |Pabrėžtinė |

| | | |teigiamoji forma |

|I ask |We ask |I do not |We do not |Do I |Do we |I do ask |We do |

|You ask|You ask|(don’t) ask |(don’t) ask |ask? |ask? |You do ask|ask |

|He |They |You do not |You do not |Do you |Do you |He (she) |You do |

|(she, |ask |(don’t) ask |(don’t) ask |ask? |ask? |does ask |ask |

|it) | |He (she, it) |They do not |Does he |Do they | |They do |

|asks | |does not |(don’t) ask |(she, |ask? | |ask |

| | |(doesn’t) ask | |it) ask?| | | |


Reikšti įprastiems, pasikartojantiems ar nuolat vykstantiems veiksmams

dabartyje (always, often, usually, regularly, daily, every day, never,

seldom, rarely, sometimes):

Nick always helps his comrades in their studies.

What time do you get up?

We seldom meet.

We have our dinner at 5 o’clock

reikšti bendriems teiginiams, nesiejant jų su laiku:

Rockets fly faster thab airplanes.

The earth goes round the sun in 24 hours.

Reikšti veiksmams arba savybėms, būdingiems veiksniui nuolat arba

dabartiniu laikotarpiu:

Tom speaks English well.

His sister Mary plays the piano and sings.

I’m a schoolgirl.

Where do you llive?

Jane’s mother works on a dairy farm.

My little brother already goes to school.

Reikšti veiksmams (arba būsenoms), vykstantiems kalbos momentu, jeigu jie

reiškiami veiksmažodžiais, kurie nevartojami eigos laikais (want, like,

belong, know, suppose, need, love, see, realise, mean, prefer, hate, hear,

believe, understand, remember, forget, seem, sound, appear, smell, taste,

wish, own, think (when the meaning is “believe”), have (when it is used for

actions or the meaning is “possess”):

What do you want?

I don’t quite understand you.

Reikšti būsimiems (numatomiems) veiksmams arba būsenoms šalutiniuose laiko

ir sąlygos aplinkybių sakiniuose po jungtukų if, unless, till, until, when,

as soon as, before (atitinkamuose lietuviškuose sakiniuose vartojamas

būsimasis laikas):

I’ll wait till you finish your breakfast.

What shall we do if it rains tomorrow?

Come and see me when yyou are passing my way.

Come next week unless you are very busy.

Let’s wait until the rain stops.

I’ll join you as soon as I can.

Pastaba.Šalutiniuose papildinio sakiniuose po jungtukų if, when vartojamas

Future Indefinite Tense:

Ask him ih he will go with us.

I don’t know when he will return.

Reikšti iš anksto numatytiems veiksmams, kurie įvyks artimiausioje ateityje

(daugiausia su veiksmažodžiais to leave, to start, to come, to return, to

come back, to go, to arrive):

We leave next Saturday.

The ttrain starts at 3.45 a. m

Past Indefinite – veiksmas (būsena), vykęs kuriuo nors laikotarpiu

praeityje ir nesusijęs su kalbos momentu.

|Teigiamoji forma|Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |Pabrėžtinė |

| | | |teigiamoji forma |

|I asked|We |I did not |We didn’t ask |Did I |Did we |I did |We did |

|You |asked |(didn’t) ask |You didn’t ask|ask? |ask? |ask |ask |

|asked |You |You did not |They did not |Did you |Did you |You did |You did |

|He |asked |(didn’t) ask |(didn’t) ask |ask? |ask? |ask |ask |

|(she, |They |He (she, it) did| |Did he |Did they|He (she)|They did|

|it) |asked |not (didn’t) ask| |(she, |ask? |did ask |ask |

|asked | | | |it) ask?| | | |


Reikšti atskiriems faktams (veiksmams, būsenoms), įvykusiems praeityje ir

nesusijusiems su dabartimi (kartais patikslinama aplinkybiniais žodžiais

yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year, last summer, the

other day, in 1945, five minutes ago, būtojo laiko rodikliu gali būti

klausiamieji įvardžiai how ir when):

I bought this book in London.

I knocked at the door, but no one answered.

How did you sleep? – I slept like a baby.

I’m sorry I was out when you called.

Where were you yesterday?

The great Russian poet Pushkin was bors in 1799.

When did you bbegin to study English?

How did it happen?

Reikšti kartotiniams arba įprastiems veiksmams, vykusiems praeityje ir

nesusijusiems su dabartimi:

Last summer I often played chess.

When he was ill we went to see him every other day.

Pastaba. Reikšti kartotiniams veiksmams, vykusiems praeityje, vartojama

taip pat konstrukcija used + infinityvas:

We used to see each other very often when I lived in Kaunas.

Taip pat reikšti įprastiniam arba tęstiniam veiksmui ar būsenai

praeityje (paprastai tolimoje):

I used to know her very well when she was still in her teens.

Reikšti veiksmams ar savybėms, kurios buvo būdingos veiksniui praeityje:

Jack played chess very well when he was a small boy.

Netiesioginės kalbos šalutiniuose papildinio sakiniuose, kai pagrindinio

sakinio veiksmažodis vartojamas Past Indefinite laiku:

He said he lived in Parko street.

Future Indefinite – vienkartiniai, kartotini ar pastovūs veiksmai

(būsenos), vyksiantys ateityje.

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I shall/will |We will |I shall/will not |We shall/will |Shall I |Shall we |

|(I’ll) ask |(we’ll) ask |(shan’t/won’t) ask |not |ask? |ask? |

|You will |You will |You will not (won’t) |(shan’t/won’t) |Will you |Will you |

|(you’ll) ask |(you’ll) ask |ask |ask |ask? |ask? |

|He (she, it) |They’ll ask |He (she, it) will not|You will not |Will he |Will they |

|will ask | |(won’t) ask |(won’t) aask |(she, it) |ask? |

| | | |They will not |ask? | |

| | | |(won’t) ask | | |


Vienkartiniai veiksmai, būsenos:

What will you do after the lessons?

Will you wait for me? I sahn’t be long.

I’ll do my best to help you.

So, you’ll ring me up at five, will you?

Pastovūs ir kartotiniai veiksmai (būsenos):

I’ll write to you every week.

Pastabos. 1. Klausiamojoje vienaskaitos 1-ojo asmens formoje veiksmažodis

shall paprastai turi modalinę reikšmę; klausiantysi teiraujasis, ko

pašnekovas nori:

Shall I go on reading?

Shall I translate the sentences into Lithuania?

2. Veiksmažodis will dažnai turi modalinį pažado,

ketinimo, mandagaus prašymo atspalvį:

If you’ll wait a moment, I’ll be back in a minute.

I won’t forget what you’ve done for me.

Šnekamojoje kalboje numatomiems būsimiems veiksmams reikšti vartojamos šios


To be going + infinityvas reikšti ketinimui (kalbant apie asmenis)

arba galimybei (kalbant apie įvykius):

I’m going to write a letter to my mother.

The task is going to be more difficult than I expected.

To be sure (certain) + infinityvas reikšti įsitikinimui, kad būsimasis

veiksmas įvyks:

Ann is sure to be there.

It’s certain to rain.

Future Indefinite in the Past – veiksmas ar būsena, vykstantis,

tebesitęsiantis kalbos momentu arba esamuoju laikotarpiu.


forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I should/would |We would |I shouldn’t ask |We shouldn’t |Should/would I |Should we |

|ask |ask |You wouldn’t ask |ask |ask? |ask? |

|You would ask |You would |He (she, it) |You wouldn’t |Would you ask? |Would you |

|He (she, it) |ask |wouldn’t ask |ask |Would he (she, |ask? |

|would ask |They would | |They wouldn’t|it) ask? |Would they |

| |ask | |ask | |ask? |


Pasakojimuose apie praeities įvykius, kai netiesiogine kalba esti

atpasakojami kokio nors asmens žžodžiai arba mintys, susiję su ateitimi:

He told me he would never repeat the same mistake.

I was sure she’d be late as usual.


Present continuous – veiksmas (būsena), vykstantis, tebesitęsiantis kalbos

momentu arba esamuoju laikotarpiu.

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I am (I’m) |We are (we’re) |I am not asking |We are not |Am I |Are we |

|asking |asking |You are not |asking |asking? |asking? |

|You are (you’re)|You are asking |(aren’t) asking |You aren’t |Are you |Are you |

|asking |They are |He (she, it) is |asking |asking? |asking? |

|He (she, it) is |(they’re) |not (isn’t) |They are not|Is he (she,|Are they |

|(he’s) asking |asking |asking |asking |it) asking?|asking? |


Reikšti veiksmui, vykstančiam kalbos momentu:

What are you doing now?

Don’t you ssee I’m writing a lettrer?

Reikšti veiksmui (būsenai), vykstančiam esamuoju laikotarpiu, bet nebūtinai

kalbos momentu:

Where are you staying now?

I hope you are enjoying your vacation?

I’m reading an intresting book.

They are building a lot of new buildings in our district.

Šnekamojoje kalboje atskiriems artimiausiai ateičiai numatytiems veiksmams

reikšti (ypač su veiksmažodžiais to come, to leave, to stay, to call ir

išsireiškimais to have guests, to give a party ir pan.):

When are you coming to see us?

She is giving a birthday party tomorrow.

We are going to the cinema this afternoon.

He’s calling on me tonight.

Nuolatiniam įpročiui arba polinkiui reikšti (su prieveiksmiais always,

constantly, all the time) ir reiškia nepritarimą, nekantrumą:

You’re always coming late!

He’s constantly getting into trouble.

Veiksmažodžio to go PPresent Continuous junginys su kito veiksmažodžio

infinityvu vartojamas reikšti ketinimui atlikti veiksmą artimiausioje


I’m going to present my old toys to my little brother.

Past Continuous

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I was asking|We were |I was not (wasn’t) |We were not |Was I asking?|Were we |

|You were |asking |asking |asking |Were you |asking? |

|asking |You were |You were not |You were not |asking? |Were you |

|He (she, it)|asking |(weren’t) asking |asking |Was he (she, |asking? |

|was asking |They were |He (she, iit) was not|They were not |it) asking? |Were they |

| |asking |(wasn’t) asking |(weren’t) | |asking? |

| | | |asking | | |


veiksmui, vykusiam kuriuo nors praeities momentu arba laikotarpiu

reikšti. Veiksmo laikas paprastai nurodomas aplinkybiniais žodžiais arba

šalutiniais sakiniais:

It was snowing all day yesterday.

What were you doing when I rang you up yesterday?

I wasn’t expecting you quite so early.

The light went out while we were having supper.

Future Continuous

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I |We |I shall/will not |We shall/will |Shall/will I |Shall/will |

|shall/will|shall/will |(shan’t/won’t) (I’ll|not |be asking? |we be |

|be asking |be asking |not) be asking |(shan’t/won’t) |Will you be |asking? |

|You will |You will be|You will not (won’t)|be asking |asking? |Will you be |

|be asking |asking |be asking |You will not |Will he (she,|asking? |

|He (she, |They will |He (she, it) will |(won’t) be |it) be |Will they |

|it) will |be asking |not (won’t) be |asking |asking? |be asking? |

|be asking | |asking |They will not | | |

| | | |(won’t) be | | |

| | | |asking | | |


Veiksmui, vyksiančiam kuriuo nors ateities momentu arba laikotarpiu

išreikšti. Veiksmo laiką gali nurodyti aplinkybiniai žodžiai arba

kontekstas. Iškyrus kai kuriuos nusitovėjusius išsireiškimus su

veiksmažodžiais to eexpect, to stay, to see ir kt., šis laikas vartojamas

labai retai:

I’ll be expecting you at 4 o’clock sharp.

When my train arrives, my parents will be waiting on the platform.

It’s no use trying to see our teacher at 10. He will be giving a

lesson at that time.

Šnekamojoje kalboje Future Continuous kartais vartojamas Future

Indefinite reikšme:

Will you be staying for dinner?

I’ll be seeing him this afternoon.

Future Continuous in the Past

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I |We |I should/would |We should/would |Should/would |Should/would|

|should/would |should/would|not be asking |not be asking |I be asking? |we be |

|be asking |be asking |You would not be |You would not be|Would you be |asking? |

|You would be |You would be|asking |asking |asking? |Would you be|

|asking |asking |He (she, it) |They would not |Would he |asking? |

|He (she, it) |They would |would not be |be asking |(she, it) be |Would they |

|would be |be asking |asking | |asking? |be asking? |

|asking | | | | | |


I didn’t call on you yesterday evening because I thought you’d be

working at your composition.

Don’t trouble him now! He said he’d be writing an article all day



Present perfect – parodo veiksmo, kuris įvyko praeityje rryšį su dabartimi,

t. y. kalbos momentu. Šis ryšys paprastai pasireiškia tuo, kad būtasis

veiksmas turi kokį nors reziltatą dabartyje.

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I have (I’ve)|We have (we’ve)|I have not |We have not |Have I |Have we |

|asked |asked |(haven’t/I’ve not) |asked |asked |asked? |

|You have |You have |asked |You have not |Have you|Have you |

|(you’ve) |(you’ve) asked |You have not |sked |asked? |asked? |

|asked |They have |(haven’t/you’ve not) |They have not|Has he |Have they |

|He (she, it) |(they’ve) asked|asked |asked |(she, |asked? |

|has (he’s) | |He (she, it) has not | |it) | |

|asked. | |(hasn’t/he’s not) asked| |asked? | |


Sakinuose, kuriuose nėra laiko aplinkybių:

Has the bell gone?

What mark have you got for dictation?

I’m glad you’ve dropped in.

I’ve heard so much about it.

You haven’t changed at all.

Look, what nice flowers Kate has brought.

Sakiniuose su neapibrėžto laiko ar kartotinumo prieveiksmiais ar

aplinkybinėmis frazėmis already, ever, never, yet, often, always, seldom,

rarely, several times ir pan.:

Have you ever been to London?

We’ll have to wait for Tom, he hasn’t yet finished his task.

You’ve always been lazy, Nick. Now it’s time for you to get down to

work in earnest.

I’ve never seen such a

wonderful film.

Sakiniuose su apibrėžto laiko aplinkibiniais žodžiais ir prieveiksmiais

tais atvejais, kai nurodytasis laikotarpis dar nėra pasibaigęs kalbos

momentu: today, this morning, this week, all day, just:

I’ve worked hard all day today.

I haven’t seen her today.

Sakiniuose su laiko aplinkybėmis, nurodančiomis laikotarpį, kuriuo vyko ar

galėjo vykti veiksmas, pradedant kokiu nors praeities momentu ir iki pat

esamojo momento: lately, for a long time, how long, so far, up to now, up

to the present, for the past two hours (days, months, years), for three

hours ((days, months, years) ir kt., arba su aplinkybėmis, nurodančiomis

tiktai tokio laikotarpio pradžią (paprastai su jungtuku since):

Have you been to the theatre lately?

I haven’t seen you for ages.

We haven’t met since January, have we?

So much has happened since I saw you last.

Where have you been all this time?

Ypatingą funkciją Present Perfect atlieka šalutiniuose laiko ir

sąlygos aplinkybių sakiniuose po jungtukų if, when, till, untill,

unless, as soon as, after, before. Čia Present Perfect reiškia

veiksmą, kkuris baigsis tam tikru ateities momentu (turi Future Perfect


You’ll think otherwise after (when) you’ve seen the film yourself.

You mustn’t leave before you’ve put everything in order.

Past Perfect

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I had asked |We had |I had not asked |We had not |Had I asked |Had we |

|You had asked |asked |You had not |asked |Had you asked? |asked? |

|He (she, it) |You had |asked |You had not |Had he (she, |Had you |

|had asked |asked |He (she, it) had|asked |it) asked? |asked? |

| |They had |not asked |They had not | |Had they |

| |asked | |asked | |asked? |


Veiksmas, kuris įvyko ir baigėsi prieš kitą būtąjį veiksmą arba prieš

kurį nors praeities momentą ar laikotarpį:

Yesterday he told me that he had seen Mike a week before.

He thanked me for what I have done for him.

He did as you had told him.

Jane told her friends that she had decided tto become an actress.

Jane had scarcely put her head on the pillow when she fell asleep.

By noon the young tourists had climbed the mountain.

By twelve o’clock yesterday I had finished all my work.

Future Perfect

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I shall/will |We shall/will|I shall not |We shall/will |Shall I have|Shall we have |

|have asked |have asked |have asked |not have asked |asked |asked? |

|You will have |You will have|You will not |You will not |Will you |Will yyou have |

|asked |asked |have asked |have asked |have asked? |asked? |

|He (she, it) |They’ll have |He (she, it) |They will not |Will he |Will they have|

|will have |asked |will not have |have asked |(she, it) |asked? |

|asked. | |asked | |have asked? | |


Reikšti veiksmui, kuris iki tam tikro momento arba veiksmo ateityje jau bus

atliktas, pasibaigęs:

By the end of the term we shall have read two English books.

Come tomorrow evening; by that time I’ll have finished my work.

Future Perfect in the Past

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I should/would|We |I should/would|We should/would |Should/would|Should/would |

|have asked |should/would |not have asked|not have asked |I have asked|we have asked?|

|You would have|have asked |You would not |You would not |Would you |Would you have|

|asked |You would |have asked |have asked |have asked? |asked? |

|He (she, it) |have asked |He (she, it) |They would not |Would he |Would they |

|would have |They would |would not have|have asked |(she, it) |have asked? |

|asked. |have asked |asked | |have asked? | |


Tais pačiais atvejais kaip ir Future Perfect, bet tik netiesioginėje

kalboje, po veiksmažodžių say, think, tell, write, pavartotų būtuoju laiku:

He said he would have done his task by two o’clock.


Present PPerfect Continuous

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I have been |We have been|I have not been|We have not been|Have I been |Have we been |

|asking |asking |asking |asking |asking? |asking? |

|You have been |You have |You have not |You have not |Have you |Have you been |

|asking |been asking |been asking |been asking |been asking?|asking? |

|He (she, it) |They have |He (she, it) |They have not |Have he |Have they been|

|has been |been asking |has not been |been asking |(she, it) |asking? |

|asking | |asking | |been asking?| |


Veiksmui, būsenai, kuri rasidėjo praeityje ir tęsėsi tam tikrą laikotarpį

iki kalbos momento ir (arba) vis dar tebesitęsia kalbos momentu, arba

pasibaigė prieš pat jį:

I’ve been waiting for him (for) two hours.

Sakiniuose su Present Perfect Continuous paprastai vartojamos laiko

palinkybės, nurodančios veiksmažodžio reiškiamo laiko ar būsenos trukmę

arba pradžios momentą (for two hours (aweek, three months, ten years), for

a long time, all day, all day long, how long; since

1950, since 8 o’clock, since I came here):

How long have you been studying English?

I’m tired, I’ve been working in the garden all day long.

I’ve been living in London since 1985.

It’s been raining since early morning.

What have you been doing since I ssaw you last?

Present Perfect Continuous gali būti vartojamas ir nenurodant veiksmo

trukmės, jeigu iš konteksto aišku, kad veiksmas prasidėjo praeityje ir

tęsėsi (tęsiasi) iki dabar:

Please, excuse my dirty clothes, I’ve been tidying the room.

Veiksmažodžių, kurie neturi Continuous formų, Present Perfect Continuous

reikšme vartojamos Present Perfect formos:

How long have you been here?

I’ve known Jack for five years.

Past Perfect Continuous

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I had been |We had been |I had not been|We had not been |Had I been |Had we been |

|asking |asking |asking |asking |asking? |asking? |

|You had been |You had been |You had not |You had not been|Had you been |Had you been |

|asking |asking |been asking |asking |asking? |asking? |

|He (she, it) |They had been|He (she, it) |They had not |Had he (she, |Had they been |

|had been |asking |had not been |been asking |it) been |asking? |

|asking | |asking | |asking? | |


Eigos veiksmui, kuris prasidėjo prieš kurį nors praeities momentą ir tęsėsi

ligi pat to momento, reikšti:

I was very tired when I went to bed for I had been working hard all


The news didn’t surprise me for I’d been expecting it for some time


Future Perfect Continuous

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |


shall/will |We shall/will|I shall/will |We shall/will |Shall/will I |Shall/will we |

|have been |have been |have not been |have not been |have been |have been |

|asking |asking |asking |asking |asking? |asking? |

|You will have|You will have|You will |You will not |Will you have|Will you have |

|been asking |been asking |nothave been |have been asking|been asking? |been asking? |

|He (she, it) |They will |asking |They will not |Will he (she,|Will they have|

|will have |have been |He (she, it) |have been asking|it) have bbeen|been asking? |

|been asking |asking |will not have | |asking? | |

| | |been asking | | | |


Reikšti besitęsiančiam būsimajam veiksmui, kuris prasidės prieš kurį nors

ateities momentą arba laikotarpį ir tęsis ligi pat to momento


By next year we shall have been living in this town for five years.

When Ann gets her diploma she will have been studying at the

University for five years.

Future in the Past Perfect Continuous

|Teigiamoji forma |Neigiamoji forma |Klausiamoji forma |

|I |We |I should/would|We sshould/would |Should/would |Should/would |

|should/would |should/would |have not been |have not been |I have been |we have been |

|have been |have been |asking |asking |asking? |asking? |

|asking |asking |You would |You would not |Would you |Would you have|

|You would |You would |nothave been |have been asking|have been |been asking? |

|have been |have been |asking |They would not |asking? |Would they |

|asking |asking |He (she, it) |have been asking|Would he |have been |

|He (she, it) |They would |would not have| |(she, it) |asking? |

|would have |have been |been asking | |have been | |

|been asking |asking | | |asking? | |


Netiesioginėje kalboje vietoj future Perfect Continuous, kai pagrindinio

sakinio veiksmažodis-tarinys esti išreikštas būtuoju laiku:

He said that by next April his father would have been working at the

factory for ten years.