Argumentative essay


The suicide for terminally ill people should be allowed

Should be allowed for people to commit suicide if they are terminally ill? Yes,

because this is their life and only they can decide what to do with their life such as live

longer or commit suicide. People who feel unhappy, sick and suffer pain or fell they are

load of care should be able commit suicide.

People who ill or are healthy, feel that they are a load of care and ddo not want to live

longer and be burden. They know when they are burden because sometimes their family

or friends say that they are burden. And the other reason how they understand that they

are load is others people do all things instead of them. And who do this job do not have

time themselves. If that people do not say for ill people that they are burden for them,

they still think that they are burden.

Their lives are ttheir lives so they can do with it what they want. Sometimes healthy

people commit suicide because they feel unhappy and unloved. Through people fault they

are given a push to commit suicide. Another reason is they are out of lluck. So if they are

unsuccessful, the only thing that they can do is to commit suicide. The last reason is that

they do not want live longer without reason.

People who are in coma and always suffer pain wonder why they cannot commit

suicide. Because if they are in coma and they cannot do all things themselves so why they

have live and see how others people are happy. And the other reason is similar. If they

cannot get out of bed, why must always lie in the bed and see others people. So the only

way is commit suicide.

Some people think that terminally ill people have to wait for their natural death. In

some ways people should wait for ttheir natural death or not commit suicide, because in

their life are people who love them and do not want that they commit suicide.

If people have a reason, to commit suicide, such as coma or pain, they should be

able to commit suicide because this is their lives. The suicide for terminally ill people

should be allowed because if it should not be allowed, people still will commit suicide

because the fact is it’s their life.