Auto avarija

Car accident

It was early Saturday’s morning about 5 o’clock. I and my father were going fishing. Also It was cold morning and the blacktop was very slippery and we drove very carefully. We were driving in the main road about 80 km/h and we saw a truck driving in front of us about 60 km/h. We were following him about 2 km and my father was able to overtake him. Furthermore we looked around and turned in the left lline . When we were overtaking him in a few seconds we so a car speeding down the road without headlights . I was so scared . Then my father put on the brakes we were started to lose control ,car skidded and we felt in the ditch. I remember the loud crash and the explosion of broken glass.

Moreover other car also put on the brakes, skidded and flipped a total 5-6 times.

. Somehow I knew that the bback window had been shattered in the crash, so I knew that was how to get out, because all doors was twisted. So I unfastened my seatbelt and got out. My father was following. Several people had stopped to help. II luckily didn’t have many bad cuts or gashes on me. I had one on my knee, and there was some blood on the airbag. We went to help to other driver. We draw out him and called to the ambulance. He was drunk. It was reason because he forgot to turn on his headlights and was careless of danger. Also my father wasn’t badly hurt at all – just a few cuts and bruises, bruised ribs on his left side, a contusion to his right shoulder, and a couple burns from the airbag. It was luckily that we were wearing seatbelts and the airbags deployed.

All in all I think people shouldn’t drink and drive also they should wear sseatbelts! It saves lives