Dangerous animals
Should people be allowed to keep potentially dangerous animals?
Every year, a variety of sources provides millions of animals to the exotic or potentially dangerous pet trade. It is absurdly easy to obtain a dangerous animal. More than 1000 Internet sites offer to sell, give care advice, and provide chat rooms where buyers and sellers can haggle over a price. Sometimes these animals endanger not only the keeper, but his relatives, neighbours or passer by.
First of all, not every person fully uunderstands what the wild animal is. It never will be fully domestic. Every animal is kind and lovely alive toy while being juvenile. But, from its becoming adult the wild instincts begin to display more and more often.
Secondly, dangerous animals often are kept not in a proper accommodation. The keeper not always wants to keep his wild pet isolated by glass or lattice. Lots of big animals, such as alligators, tigers are allowed to walk along the entire home. SSometimes even scorpions or tarantulas can easily escape their terrariums.
At the same time, a person, possessing the dangerous animal, always is an interesting companion. He sees his animal not as ugly killer. It is his life companion with very interesting ccharacter.
Even though, people, possessing the dangerous animals are closer to every part of nature. They worship every alive creature and see it as the viceless one to compare with humankind. The animal never attack causelessly or in order to have fun.
All in all, it is not a problem what to keep at home. The problem is what kind of person the possessor is and what conditions are for the animal. Every country has some kind of act that declares the main points on keeping potentially dangerous animals at home. But lots of people keep the animals illegally. The animals are to be kept only by persons specified in the special licenses. The secure enclosure must be located so aas not to interfere with the public’s legal access to the owner’s property. So, the problem exists and it is much more deeper than the question to keep or not to keep dangerous animal at home.