-Well, Sima, would you mind to share your opinion about traveling holidays?
-Yes, of course. Where do you suggest spending holidays?
-I assume that the best holidays will be by the see.
-In my opinion, we should travel to Egypt. Don’t you think so?
-But there is sand everywhere in Egypt, the atmosphere is too hot.
-But there are ancient pyramids. My biggest dream is to see these pyramids.
-Well, I understand that, but you will no rest. You will be exhausted after few days I ssuch hot climate.
-You are right. But you can enjoy riding on camels. And that is not all. In Egypt you will have a lot of breathtaking adventures.
-You will feel the real relaxation by the see. There is also a lot of amusements, you can rent a four-wheel motorcycle and take ride on sand-dune. Furthermore, you can simply lie on the beach, enjoy sunbathing and chill out times in worm water.
-That’s attractive. But there are not just pyramids and camels interesting iin Egypt. Also there live different people with their culture and manners. You can to know more about Egypt history. If you want to have a rest, you can lie all day in a hotel with swimming pool. And next dday you will go to have some adventures.
-On seaboard the sand is white, very soft and water is a lovely blue color. In the evenings on the sandy coves you can see the glittering sunlight on the waves and you can be astonished by the brightness of the sun. At night you can be impressed by the silvery light of the moon on water. I’m fond of views like these.
-I agree, that is a great attraction for summer, but don’t you find it boring?
-Actually, no. sunny beaches and fantastic sea water will never be bored to me.
-You know what? We can travel to Egypt and after this journey we can drive by the see to have a rest.
-That’s great iidea. I agree. Let’s go to Egypt and after that – by the sea!
-Well Sima, would you mind sharing your opinion about pollution in our city and around our school?
-Yes, of course. In my opinion, pollution of our city is increasing very fast. Pollution around our school is not intense. And what is your opinion about that?
-I agree that pollution increases very fast. But I assume that few workers are not enough to keep our city clean.
-So, what do you ssuggest?
-I think that more garb ages would help. But the most important part of keeping environment unpolluted is better people understanding. They must play a part in preserving clean atmosphere.
-You are right. But we can do nothing against fabrics polluting. They pour all waste into our river Sesupe. Their steam poisons air. And we are powerless for this.
-And what about the area of our school? There, also, are not a lot of rubbish and litters.
-I do not think so. Every day when I go to the school, a worker picks up all rubbish. So, I think that there are not lots of rubbish around our school.
-well. I don’t know where you look at, but trash level is very big around our school and in our town! Also, we often hear of other atmospheric problems such as ozone pollution and diminution. So let’s talk about the ways of reducing pollution.
-you are right, I heard too. Pollution is endangering our survival. We can start by cleaning up the polluted surrounding in our neighborhood. For example, we can organize a cleaning day of our city. What do you think about that?
-that’s great idea! But there is still one problem. Will people appreciate it ppositively? Still and all, we should try to organize The Cleaning Day we could print a lot of leaflets about our project and share them out for people.
-Of course. But at first we should go to our town conservancy and suggest them our project.
-So, let’s meet tomorrow and talk about this in detail. We must make a plan and just then go to the conservancy of our town.
-It’s a deal. See you tomorrow
-Well, Sima, a few Latvians are coming to Lithuania. So, which famous our country places we can show them?
-In my opinion, there are a lot of impressive objects in Lithuania. For example, Trakai castle, where foreigners can spend a day full of adventures.
-I agree with you. Trakai castle is very impressive and not just castle is interesting. There is a lake around castle, where you can rent a water cycle or a boat and whole environment around is fascinating.
-The other day we can take them to Gediminas castle in Vilnius. Don’t you think so?
-That’s great idea. We will show a capital of our country and historical Lithuanian memorials at the same time.
-How many days they will be in our country?
-I am not sure, but I assume, thhem are going to be here for a few days.
-So, we must plan one or two days more. What do you suggest?
-I suggest taking them to Druskininkai one day. There is a great water park, where everybody could have really good time. Furthermore, Druskininkai is a resort, where we can find the breathtaking scenery all over city, especially near the lakes.
-I think, most students are crazy about Water Park. And this entertaining resort will be a good place to have a fun time. So, what is your opinion about holidays for Latvians, which we are planning?
– Well, I hope, they will like adventures, which we are planning now. We will offer them other places if they don’t want to follow our plan.
-Sure, but I suppose they will enjoy it. We can take them to the club or make a party in my homes with them in the evening.
-That’s great idea! I assume, the party will be perfect in the last day of their visit.
– Our plan for guests is surprising. And I suggest not changing our plan and waiting while Latvian will come to Lithuania.
– Agree. So, I must go now to prepare for the Latvians welcome. See you
-OK. Bye bye.
-I called you yesterday, but you weren’t at home. So where have you been?
-Oh, I was in a sports club. I go here every day from Monday to Friday.
-How long are you interest in it?
-I started a month ago. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
-I’m going for spots club too. I am fond of art, drawing too.
-Do you attend an art school or something?
-No, I draw for me self.. You like art, don’t you?
-I admire wworks of art, but I don’t pursue it by myself. How often you draw and what are in your works?
– I draw when a good mood takes me. I choose abstractive ness. Those are various dots, lines, stripes, indefinite figures and etc.
-That’s amazing and unusually. Would you show me few illustrations?
-Of course. Some of them I have here in my bag, I show you them late. So is going to a sports club one and only activity in your free ttime?
-Definitely No, I am crazy about riding a bike long distances and enjoying an environment that surrounds me. But sometimes I want just to idle at home.
-Yeah, and I sometimes want to be at home and do nothing or rread any interesting book or puzzle out some crosswords. But music always plays at my home .I am fond of music. There hasn’t been even one day without music.
-I listen to music every day too. Which music styles do you love?
-Hard rock, metal, depressive music and other similar styles.
-Wow. I have never though that you listen to such music stiles like these.
-And what about your favorite music?
-My winamp is always online too but it plays pop and club music mostly. Have you any other activities in your free time? For example, do you often go to the cinema?
– Not very often, but I try to watch good horror films and sometimes cheerful comedies. And how about you?
-I watch hhorror films and comedies item.
-You know what? A cinema Spindulys is going to show a great horror film “The Saw III” at Friday. Would you like to go with me?
-That would be great. Well then see you at Friday. Bye