earth SOS

Earth’s SOS

Today there are lots of problems in the world, but the main problem probably is pollution, because it’s becoming extremely dangerous. The Pollution Prevention established a national policy to prevent or reduce pollution at its source whenever feasible. Specific benefits include:

 Cleaner air and water

 Reduced soil erosion

 Conservation of natural resources

 Savings on electric and water bills

 Less solid waste in landfills

Environment pollution has advantages and disadvantages. We should discuse about problems and verdict, environmental damage and organizations which are protecting environment. Our eenvironment is mostly polluted by big factories, because they outpour toxic waist in to air. Also our air is polluted by people who smoke and by old car fumes. People are cutting down rain forests – the lungs of the earth, more and more different plant and animal species are dying, because of acid rains. Governments and people should care more about our environment: make smoking illegal, forbid old cars close dangerous factories, and try to save nature. One of tthe main problems in our community is the environmental problem and also wandering dogs. Whenever we meet wandering dogs, we can call the local animal service to take them away. People should be against illegal hunting and fur coats, because iit’s just animal killing. The best known organization which is protecting our environment is called “Green Peace” – the main purpose of this organization is to keep our world clean and green for future generations. There are also organizations like “PELA“ – which are fighting for animals rights.

Over the years, there have been many religious groups and cult organisations telling us that the world is going to the end, and they are right about that. Unfortunately, these religions and cult groups have mis-understood the Earth’s Guides and told us that if we don’t believe their religious interpretation of them, we will surely be tortured and die. Mankind is now the number one cause of all the destruction happening on Earth.

Radiation iis one the world`s problem. It`s not good for health of people. Many people died from radiation. Radiation is energy travelling through space. Sunshine is one of the most familiar forms of radiation. It delivers light, heat and suntans. We control its effect on us with sunglasses, shade, air conditioners, hats, clothes and sunscreen. There would be no life on earth without lots of sunlight, but we have increasingly recognised that too much of it on our persons is not aa good thing. In fact it may be dangerous, so we control our exposure to it. Radiation has always been present in the environment and in our bodies. However, we can and should minimise unnecessary exposure to significant levels of man-made radiation. Radiation is very easily detected. There is a range of simple, sensitive instruments capable of detecting minute amounts of radiation from natural and man-made sources. There are four ways in which people are protected from identified radiation sources: limiting time, distance, shielding, containment. Radiation protection standards are based on the conservative assumption that the risk is directly proportional to the dose, even at the lowest levels, though there is no evidence of risk at low levels.

The seas and oceans are being poisoned by chemical products, oils, industrial and human waste. On land, especially in the industrial countries where most waste is actually „manufactured“, there is increasingly little room to bury it and even when buried, noxious elements leech out and destroy the health of the area. An even greater problem is the disposal of atomic waste, unsafe to dump into the sea and even more unsafe to bury under the land. An alternative possibility, that of sending it oout into space, would perhaps create other more serious dangers, not immediately apparent to us. „Green peace” exists because this fragile Earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. They said: “We must go from a world powered by nuclear and fossil fuels to one running on renewable energy.” “Green peace” strain to stop climate change, save seas, protect ancient forests, say no to genetic engineering, eliminate toxic chemicals, end the nuclear threat, encourage sustainable trade, abolish nuclear weapons.

Wild animals live in special territories and reservations, where they get all care they need. It seems very good, but on the other hand – many animals are kept in the zoos, behind the bars so that everyone could see how a monkey or a snake looks like. Many wild animals are in danger of extinction because forests are destroyed. And many species are extinct every year. But almost any wild animal extinction is caused by people. Because people made dams and roads, cut forests and polluted the water. Wild animals live in many rainforests. They are in danger of extinction, rainforests are being destroed now. The problem is that human interests are protected by rights in ggeneral and by the right to own property in particular. As far as the law is concerned, an animal is personal property, or chattel, of the animal’s owner and cannot possess rights. Indeed, it is a fundamental premise of our property law that property cannot itself have rights as against human owners and that, as property, animals are objects of the exercise of human property rights.

We know what harm carbon monoxide, tobacco smoke, radon and asbestos can do. Other indoor pollutants are substances that are new or whose effects are less well-known. Water pollution, even in the water we don’t drink, is a serious threat to health. Water quality is defined as water that is safe, drinkable and appealing to all life on Earth. Water pollution is caused by direct and indirect containment sources. Direct sources include factory, refinery, etc. outpourings that emit tier fluids straight into their water. Indirect sources are the substances that enter the water supply through rainwater. The effects of polluted water are harmful and dangerous, such as poisonous drinking water, poisonous food animals, unbalanced river and lake ecosystems that can no longer support full biological diversity, deforestation from acid rain, and many other effects.

For the

past ten years the government has made use of the media (radio, television and news papers) to inform the public on the dangers of polluted water in a way to sensitise the public on keeping our waters clean. Cleaning programs have also been organized jointly with the public to further encourage them against such actions which could impact our water sources. Acid rain can increase the acidity of lakes, dams and streams and cause the death of aquatic life. It can increase the acidity of soil, water and shallow groundwater. No simple overnight solution is possible. We need to use energy more efficiently at home, in our vehicles and in industry and think hard about alternative energy sources such as nuclear power and hydro-electric power. It is possible to remove acidic emissions from coal-burning, but this is very expensive. It may be possible to breed crops and trees that resist pollution, but this would only be a partial solution. In ppractice we will probably need a combination of all these ideas and innovations.

Erosion occurs naturally in many soils. Soil erosion can be arrested by doing the following things: planting trees can reduce the wind speed by acting as a wind bbreak around the fencelines of farms, using more perennial plants as a food source reduces the need for annual ploughing of the soil which reduces the risk of wind and water erosion. In cropping areas, leaving a cover of mulch at the end of a growing season is a protective blanket over the soil.

The basic idea is that we need the environment to survive. The world is not made up of oxygen. If we destroy all the plants of Earth, then the human race is basically extinct. How can we prevent pollution? Protecting our environment starts at home. Replace your five most frequently used lights, or the bulbs in them, with ones that have earned the energy star, and you’ll uuse less energy, which means less pollution from power plants. If done in every household, together we‘d prevent more than one trillion pounds of greenhouse gases. Washing a car on the lawn and using less detergent, or going to an approved carwash. Picking up your dog’s droppings. Sweeping up and composting leaves and grass clippings. Planting native trees, shrubs and grasses. Putting all litter (including cigarette butts) in the bin. Telling at least one other person what you are doing tto prevent storm water pollution! We should do: Never throw trash, paint, or oil into street drains. Use water wisely: Always turn off the faucet when we aren’t using the water. Plant plants in our garden and in our yard to prevent water and fertilizers from running off. When we’re having a picnic, fishing, or having fun by the water, make sure to clean up by disposing of all your litter and other wastes. Anytime we see water pollution we can help clean it up. If not, have the grown-up help you contact the proper authorities. Many materials we use every day can be reused and recycled. We may find new ways to reduce how much garbage we throw away. Maybe we can even start a recycling program in our school or community! People share the earth with many different kinds of plants and animals. Explore the forests, oceans, and prairies where they live. We can learn how to keep those places safe and clean. You should: Commute smart by walking or riding to work or the shops instead of driving. Motor vehicle emissions remain the most significant source of most common air pollutants. Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle next time yyou are replacing your car. Save energy, by turning off the television and make sure you flick the light switch when you leave the room. Not only will you save money on your electricity bill, you will be reducing emissions from coal-fired electricity plants. Buy energy -efficient appliances. Check the energy rating label when buying new or second hand electrical appliances. More stars mean less emission. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Phosphorus in detergents increases nutrient loads in rivers and can cause excessive algal growth. Never pour chemicals or fertilizers down the drain as they get washed into storm water drains and into rivers or the ocean.

Together we can organize environmental training to solve these problems. And we know that pollution is a very big problem nowadays. People pollute land, seas, air and it’s very dangerous. The Earth is in danger. That’s why we want the world with fresh air, clean water with many animals, plants and healthy, strong and kind people. We should take care about the environment. We throw garbage in the nature and its lots of pollution in the air. We should hope that the world will be a lot more advanced in technology maybe teleportation pager, fflying cars or something.