Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower was built in the 1889, especially for a world mark.
The mark was held in Paris. Three hundred workers joined together. Architects decided to build 300metres metallic Tower. At the time when the Tower was built many people were shocked about its shape.
Eiffel Tower had to be a temporal building in Paris, but nowadays Tower still stand. For many years Eiffel Tower was the biggest man-made work. Now it is the highest building just in PParis.
Those who said to hate a Tower were used to eat lunch at the Eiffel Tower’s restaurant every day. When asked why, they answered that it was the only place in Paris where you couldn’t see it.
The Tower has two restaurants, it has also one ice skating ring on the first floor during the winter period. Visitors can be taken up by a very fast lift. At its top they can see a stunning beautiful prospect of PParis. They are always amazed by this unforgettable sight. It is one of the most visited places in the World. Paris people are very proud now of their iron high building. In the night it is all illuminated and can bbe admired from each part of the city.