Future life

Future life

Now day’s life is becoming more and more comfortable with much more conveniences which help people to survive easier. After many ears life will have changed and we won’t be able to recognize it.

Now day’s people suffer from junk food which does a lot of harm our body. It’s so bad. There are not many bargains, but I think in the future it will, and I think we will be settlers, because I believe that people will create spaceships aand we will have travel to others planets. But I can’t claim it. I think if we turn up on other planet and live on it, we must leave descendants on it. I believe that in the future all diseases will be disappears and people will live a long time. On our Earth many orchards will grow witch will have many choice, here will be no starvations. And people will look the picture of health. I believe that people will ccreate telephone sun by the help of witch you can get in touch with somebody everywhere. I think people will be more skilled, they will receive better jobs. People will gain the reputation as impressive race. I think the future hhere will be more impressive, and that people will be heroes and will have better lives.