Governments in the UK, the USA and Lithuania
The United Kingdom is a unitary state governed by a democratic
constitutional monarchy, while the United States is a federal republic and
a multi-party, parliamentary democracy republic is Lithuania. More or less,
each of the states have two types of governments: London, the capital, is
the centre of government for the whole Britain, but local authorities are
partly responsible for education, health care, etc., whereas each of the 50
states of the USA also has its own government and is joined to the others
by federal government, aas well as there are State and Local governments in
There are two chambers (‘houses’) of the Parliament in Britain: the House
of Commons and the House of Lords, while government of the US is entrusted
to three separate authorities: the Executive, the Legislative and the
Judicial and the government of Lithuania, the highest executive body is
made up of the Prime Minister and 14 ministers and Seimas.
Both Houses in Britain have a similar system of debate. This may be about a
new law or tax ,, or about other state problems. The executive branch in the
USA and Lithuanian executive body of the government have very much in
common. Both states have a President who has a powerful role, for example,
both the President of the USA and tthe President of Lithuania is Commander-
in-Chief of the military forces. The Queen in Britain otherwise has an
essentially ceremonial role, restricted in exercise of power by convention
and public opinion. What is more, both the USA and Lithuania has several
departments of different activity.
Nevertheless, all the three states have a little in common legislative
branch: and the House of Commons in Britain, and the Legislative branch in
the USA, and Seimas in Lithuania. There are currently 659 MPs representing
constituencies in the parliament of Britain, 141 members in the Seimas of
Lithuania, whereas the USA slightly differs from them. The legislative
branch of the USA government is the Congress made up of Senate and the
House of Representatives. The members of Congress like the MPs and MPs in
the Seimas rrepresent their constituency. The Senate has 100 members, two
from each state, both of whom represent the whole state and the House of
Representatives has 435 members. All the three states have very much in
common by making laws and publishing them, as well as other
responsibilities include establishing federal courts, setting taxes and, if
necessary declaring war.
The Judicial branch in the USA has very much to do with the Court system.
The judicial branch of government has three levels: the Supreme Court,
below it are 13 ccourts of appeal, and below them are many federal district
courts. The House of Lords is unique in combining both legislative and
judicial functions in the one body: it is both the upper house of
Parliament and the highest court of appeal for criminal cases in England,
Wales and Northern Ireland and for civil cases in the whole of the United
Kingdom, while Lithuania combines two judicial branch courts: Supreme Court
and Court of Appeal.
Each government system has its own responsibilities in all the three
states. In the UK the Parliament is responsible for making laws, discussing
major issues affecting the country and raising taxes. The federal
government in the USA with all its three branches have very much in common
like the Parliament in Britan, while Lithuanian government is strongly
responsible for making new proposals and later giving them to the Seimas
for further discussions and approvals. Besides the government of Lithuania
has to account for its work annually for Seimas.
In conclusion, to understand all the three systems of governments in each
country is neither very difficult, nor very confusing, since all the three
states have very much in common, as well as some different aspects.