

Take off – pakilti (lëktuvu)

The flight was delayed.The plane took off two hours later than seneduled.

The plane to Rome was delayed because of fog. What time did it take off?

Come along – vystytis, progresuoti

The work on the house is coming along very well.

Jill says her marketing report is coming along nicely.

Hold on – palaukti

Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.

They managed to hold on until help arrived.

Set ooff – iðkeliauti

It’s a long way to Bristol, so we ought to set off as early as possible.

We did not set off until seven o’clock, so we walked as fast as we could get there on time.

Wake up – pabusti

What time did she wake up?

He woke up and found himself in hospital.

Find out – suþinoti

Can you find out what time the train leaves?

Operate on somebody – operuoti kà nors

The doctors decided to operate on hher immediately.

He is a surgeon, but he operates only on children.

Be on – vykti

The film was already on when we arrived.

Is the match on at 3 o’clock?

Put off – atidëti ( kitam kartui )

We have to pput off this afternoon meeting.

She always puts off going to the dentist.

Put away – padëti á vietà (pinigus á bankà)

Children put your toys away.

He put away a few thousand for his retirement.

Be good at – gerai mokëti, þinoti

Jim is good at math.

Tom is very good at basketball.

By chance – atsitiktinai

By a happy chance a policeman was passing as I was attacked.

Would you by chance have change for 50 pounds.

On purpose – tyèia

She seems to do these things on purpose.

Did he break it accidently? No, on purpose.

Decide on – iðsirinkti, apsistoti prie

With so many choises it’s hard to decide on ones.

After seeing all the candidates we’ve decided on chosen.

Worry about – rûpintis, nerimauti dël

Don’t worry about me.

At high speed – dideliu greièiu

He drove his car at high speed.

They moved at the speed of 50 kilometres an hour.

Complain about – skøstis dël

She is always complaining about her work.

They complainied about the weather on their holidays.

Run out of – baigtis

My passport has run out.

We are running out of petrol.

Their lease on our flat runs out in a few mmonths.

Keen on – siekti, trokðti

She is very keen on good results.

I know his mother is keen on Tom’s marrying Susan.

Instead of – vietoje (kaþko)

In spite of – neþiûrint

They went out in spite of the rain.

Die of – mirti dël

Ones die of an ilness, hunger, grief, the other for ones’ country.

What did he die of? He died of heart attack.

Reply to – atsakyti á

What did he reply to your challenge?

He failed to reply to a question.

Be ashamed of – gëdytis

You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.

He felt ashamed of having done so little work.

Belong to – priklausyti kam nors

These books belong to my father.

Who does it belong to?

Depend on – priklausyti nuo ko nors

I have not got the car, so I have to depend on the buses.

How much is produced depends on how hard we work.

Consist of – susidëti ið

The committee consists of ten members.

This mixture consist of flour and water.

Be late for – vëluoti á

You are late for a work.

Is she always late for meetings?

Leave ffor – iðvykti á

The train leaves Kaunas for Vilnius.

When did you decide to leave for Miami?

Famous for – áþymus kaþkuo

New York is famous for its skyscrapers.

What is your town famous for?

For sale – pardavimui

I’m sorry this painting is not for sale.

She has put her house up for sale.

Introduce somebody to somebody – pristatyti (supaþindinant)

Allow me to introduce my wife to you.

I was introduced to Jenny at the party.

On sale – pardavime

The new model is not on sale in the shops.

She gets ten pounds on each sale.

On the contrary – atvirkðèiai

It doesn’t seem ugly to me , on the contrary, I think it is rather beautiful.

We went to work on the contrary to the doctors orders.

From time to time – kartas nuo karto

He visits his parents time from time.

Substitute for – pakeisti (vietoje ko nors)

We must substitute a new chair for the broken one.

Can you substitute for me at the meeting.

Argue about – ginèytis dël

We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.

Don’t argue with your mother about it.

Excited about – susijaudinæs dël

It’s nothing toget excited about.

She felt excited about her journey to Spain.

Live on – pragyventi ið

She lived on for many years after her husband died.

You can’t live on 200 dollars a week.

Satisfied with – patenkintas

He wasn’t satisfied with the results on passing exams.

Work for – dirbti kam nors

She works for an engineering company.

Work on – dirbti kà nors

He is working on a new novel now.

His charm doesn’t work on me.

Because of – dël

They are here because of us.

He walked slowly because of his dog.

Keep in touch with – palaikyti ryðius su

Have you noticed how he tries to keep in touch with the boss?

Do you often keep in touch with your parents?

Wish farewell – palinkëti geros kelionës

Pleased with – patenkintas (kuo nors)

He looks rather pleased with himself.

Are you pleased with the new flat?

Be angry with somebody for something – pykti ant ko nors dël kaþko

I was angry on myself for making such a stupid mistake.

Are you angry with him?

Insist on – reikalauti, atkakliai laikytis

You really must go. I

insist on it.

She always insists on getting early.

Shout to – ðaukti kam nors

She shouted to me across the room.

I shouted to him to shut the gates.

Shout at – ðaukti ant ko nors

Don’t shout at me.

Married to – vedæs, iðtekëjusi su

Do you know, Jack is married to Nelly?

Throw to – mesti kam nors

Please, throw the towel to me.

If you catch it I’ll throw it to you.

Throw at – mesti áá kà nors

Parents teach their children not to throw stones at animals.

This stone was thrown at the speaker.

According to – pagal, sutinkamai

Everything went according to the plan.

The work was done according to the instructions.

Arrive in – atvykti á miestà, ðalá

Arrive at – atvykti á vietà

Be sorry about – atsipraðyti dël / uþ

Be sorry for – gailëtis dël

I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this terrible weather.

If hhe doesn’t realize the consequences of his actions, I’m sorry for him.

Look up – paieðkoti (informacijai)

If you want to know how the word is used, look it up in the dictionary.

Lizzy looked up a number in the pphone book.

Approve of – pritarti

Her parents don’t approve of her new boy-friend.

I approve of your trying to earn some money.

Apply for – kreiptis, teirautis dël

She applied for a job in this office.

Apologize for – atsipraðyti dël

You must apologize for being so rude.

Warn about – perspëti dël

Count on – pasitikëti

You primised us your help with the exhibition. Can we still count on you?

If you need help, remember that you can count on me at all times.

Take after – bûti panaðiam

She doesn’t takes after her mother at all.

Call something off – atðaukti, nutraukti, panaikinti

Call your dog off. It’s frightening my children.

Let someone down – apvilti

Peter hhas stopped expecting people to help. He has been let down so many times in the past.

Why did you let him down?

Ring somebody up – paþadinti skambuèiu, skambinti telefonu

Mary rang Helen up last night.

Why don’t you ring your parents up and ask them if you can stay with us tonight?

Bring up – iðauklëti, uþauginti

An aunt brought up ten children.

I was born in England and brought up in Scotland.

Rely on – pasitikëti

Nowadays wwe rely on computers.

You can rely on it that it will rain this weekend.

Give up – mesti (nustoti kà nors darius)

I wouldn’t like to give up playing tennis.

She didn’t give up her job when she got married.

Get on – álipti (á autobusà, traukiná, lëktuvà, laivà)

Get in – álipti(á automobilá)

Get off – iðlipti ið transporto

The train stopped and we got off.

She slipped and fell when she was getting off the car.

Slow down – sumaþinti greitá

The train slowed down when it got to the station.

She slowed the car down and stopped.

Get on – gerai sutarti

She has never really got on with her mother – in law.

They don’t get on with one another.

Prefer to – teikti pirmenybæ

I prefer walking to cycling.

Their father prefers them to be at home early.

To my mind – manyèiau, mano nuomone

To my mind that’s the shortest way to Lisbon.

Enquire about – teirautis dël

He enquired about the price.

Can’t stand – negalëti pakæsti

He can’t stand hot weather.

She couldn’t stand to be told what to do.

I can’t stand him interrupting all the time.

Tired oof doing something – atsibosti

I’m tired of listening to you.

I’m tired of working all the day.

Concentrate on – susikaupti, susikoncentruoti

I can’t concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.

Having failed my French exam I decided to concentrate on science subjects.

Go on strike – streikuoti

The workers went on strike for higher pay.

I couldn’t come in time because all the bus drivers were on strike.

Write down – uþsiraðyti

Write down the address before you forget it.

He wrote down value of the unsold stock.

Calm down – nusiraminti

Please just calm down a bit.

Do you have brandy? It’ll help you to calm down.

Make up one’s mind – apsispræsti

I’ve made up my mind to be a doctor.

Have you already made your mind up where to go for your holiday?

Try on – pasimatuoti

Try on the shoes before you by them.

Don’t try on this dress, it looks awful.

Be uot of stock – nëra (apie prekes)

I’m sorry, but these shoes are out of stock now.

We are out of stock new winter clothes.

Look over the menu – perþiûrëti meniu

We have to look over tthe menu before we choose.

We must look over the house before we decide to rent.

By return – atsakyti tik gavus

Please, reply by return.

Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return.

Take a picture – fotografuoti

She wanted to take a picture of the church.

He took a picture of me while I wasn’t looking at him.

Give a lift – paveþëti

If you hold on me, I’ll give you a lift.

He gave me a lift on the way to his home.

Resign from – atsisakyti pareigø, teisës

She had to resign from her job.