Laikai anglų kalboje

Present Simple Tense

(Esamasis paprastasis laikas)

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I am / I‘m – aš esu I am not / I‘m not Am I?

You are / You‘re – tu esi Yuo are not / You aren‘t Are you?

He is / He‘s – jis yra He is not / He isn‘t Is he?

She is / She‘s – ji yra She is not / She isn‘t Is she?

It is / It‘s* It is not / It isn‘t Is it?

We are / We‘re – mes esame We are not / We aren‘t Are we?

You are / You‘re –– jūs esate Yuo are not / You aren‘t Are you?

They are / They‘re – jie yra They are not / They aren‘t Are they?

Veiksmažodžio to be Present Simple

* It vartojamas vietoj daiktus žyminčių daiktavadžių ir gyvūnų (jei nenurodyta lytis) pavadinimų.

1. Išverskite sakinius (vertime panaudokite veiksmažodžius: to be or to have / to has (3 asm.).

• Tai yra stalas. …………………………

• Mes ne inžinieriai, mes gydytojai. …………………………

• Ar jis turi kostiumą? …………………………

• Ar jie moksleiviai? – Ne, jie studentai. …………………………

• Ji turi labai daug suknelių. …………………………

• Mes turime gerų knygų. …………………………

• Aš nneturiu sąsiuvinių. …………………………

• Jis neturi jokių angliškų knygų. …………………………

• Jis yra inžinierius. …………………………

• Mes nesame studentai. …………………………

• Ar tai vaza? …………………………

• Jie yra darbininkai. …………………………

• Ar jis turi dėdę? – Taip. …………………………

• Ar jūs gydytoja? – Ne, aš medicinos sesuo. …………………………

2. Perskaitykite tekstą ir atsakykite į pateiktus kklausimus.

Mark Nelson is a journalist. He is in his late thirties and he is one of three children of Philip and Margaret Nelson. Mark‘s wife, Ann, is also in her late thirties, and she and Mark have two children: David, aged 16, and Kate, aged 14. Mark has a brother and a sister. His brother John is three years younger than Mark. John is a mechanic. He is not married. Mark‘s sister, Carol, is in her mid twenties, and she is married to Richard Bond. Carol and Richard are of the same age. They have twins: Susan and Peter, aged 5. Mark‘s father, Philip, is in his mid sixties and he is a bank manager. Philip‘s mother, Margaret, is a yyear younger than her husband.

In his early thirties = from 30 to 33 years old

In his mid thirties = from 34 to 36 years old

In his late thirties = from 37 to 39 years old

Naudodamasis informacija iš teksto, surašyk visų veikėjų vardus į šeimos medį.

Sudaryk klausimus iš duotųjų žodžių ir trumpai į juos atsakyk..

Example: Mark/journalist? Is Mark a journalist? Yes, he is.

• Philip/mid sixties? …………………………

• John/younger Mark? …………………………

• David/Kate‘s brother? …………………………

• Susan and Carol/the same age? …………………………

• You/late sixties? …………………………

• David and Kate/married? …………………………

• Margaret/Mark‘s mother? …………………………

Sudaryk ssakinius iš duotųjų žoždių.

Example: Carol/Mark‘s sister. Carol is Mark‘s sister.

• Philip/Mark‘s father …………………………

• Mr and Mrs Nelson/parents …………………………

• Susan and Peter/twins …………………………

• Ann/late thirties …………………………

• John/mechanic …………………………

• Carol and Richard/the same age …………………………

• Margaret/younger/husband …………………………

Pabaik sakinius.

• Philip and Margaret Nelson are Richard Bond‘s………………………

• Kate is John‘s…………………………

• David and Peter are…………………………

• Ann is Margeret‘s…………………………

• John is Peter‘s…………………………

• Carol is Kate‘s…………………………

• Susan and Peter are Philip Nelson‘s…………………………

• Margaret Nelson is David‘s…………………………

Present Simple veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I write I do not/don‘t Do I?

You write Yuo do not/don‘t Do you?

He writes He does not/doesn‘t Does he?

She writes She does not/doesn‘t Does she?

It writes It does not/doesn‘t Does it?

We write We do not/don‘t Do we?

You write Yuo do not/don‘t Do you?

They write They do not/don‘t Do they?

o Present Simple reiškia veiksmą, priskiriamą esamajam laikui, bet nevykstantį kalbėjimo momentu. Jis dažniausiai vartojamas reikšti įprastiems, pasikartojantiems arba nuolat vykstantiems veiksmams.

o Su šiuo laiku vartojami žodžiai: always (visada), often (dažnai), somethimes (kartais), usually (paprastai0, generally (bedrai), seldom (retai), regulary (reguliariai), every day (month, morning, evening, afternoon, night.) (kasdien, kas mėnesį, kasryt, kasnakt. ).

o Kai norima padaryti klausimą su klausiamaisiais žodžiais when, where, why, how ir pan., tie klausiamieji žodžiai eina prieš pagalbinį veiksmažodį sakinio pradžioje.

o Kai klausimas prasideda klausiamaisiais žodžiais who, what, which, whose ir liečia veiksnį ar jo pažyminį, pagalbinis žodis – do nevartojamas. Klausiamieji žodžiai paprastai derinami su trečiuoju veiksmažodžio asmeniu.

3. Išversti sakinius į anglų kalbą.

• Ar tu dažnai rašai llaiškus savo draugams?…………………………

• Aš kartais padedu savo tėvams. …………………………

• Kur tu gyveni? …………………………

• Kieno brolis dirba kiekvieną dieną? …………………………

• Tu retai skaitai knygas. …………………………

• Ji kartais plauna savo tėvų mašiną. …………………………

• Aš kasdien tvarkau kambarius. …………………………

• Ar jis dažnai eina į paduotuves? …………………………

• Mes negeriame kavos. Mes geriame arbata. ………………………..

• Agnė kiekvieną savaitę prižiūri savo tetos sūnų. ……………………….

• Man patinka jogurtas. …………………………

• Kiekvieną savaitę plaunu langus. …………………………

4. Sugalvok ir parašyk 9 sakinius Present Simple laiku.

1. …………………………

2. …………………………

3. …………………………

4. …………………………

5. …………………………

6. …………………………

7. …………………………

8. …………………………

9. …………………………

Past Simple Tense

(Būtasis paprastasis laikas)

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I was I was not/wasn‘t Was I?

You were Yuo were not/weren‘t Were you?

He was He was not/wasn‘t Was he?

She was She was not/wasn‘t Was she?

It was It was not/wasn‘t Was it?

We were We were not/weren‘t Were we?

You were Yuo were not/weren‘t Were you?

They were They were not/weren‘t Were they?

Veiksmažodžio to be Past Simple

o Past Simple laike vartojama antroji (būtojo laiko) veiksmažodžio forma. Anglų kalbos taisyklingųjų veiksmažodžių būtojo laiko forma sudaroma pridedant galūnę –ed prie bendraties: to live – lived. Tačiau yra ir daug netaisyklingųjų veiksmažodžių, kurie pateikti lentelėje.

Taisiklingoji forma Antra netaisiklingoji forma Trečia netaisiklingoji forma Vertimas

Be Was Been Būti

Beat Beat Beaten Mušti

Become Became Become Tapti, pasidaryti

Begin Began Begun Pra(si)dėti

Bring Brought Brought Atnešti

Build Built Built Statyti

Buy Bought Bought Pirkti

Catch Caught Caught Sugauti, gaudyti

Come Came Come Atvykti

Cost Cost Cost Kainuoti

Cut Cut Cut Pjauti, kirsti

Dig Dug Dug Kasti

Do Did Done Daryti

Draw Drew Drawn Piešti

Drink Drank Drunk Gerti

Drive Drove Driven Vairuoti

Eat Ate Eaten Valgyti, ėsti

Fall Fell Fallen Kristi

Feel Felt Felt Jausti

Fight Fought Fought Kovoti

Find Found Found Rasti

Fly Flew Flown Skristi

Forget Forgot Forgotten Užmiršti

Get Got Got Gauti

Give Gave Given Duoti

Go Went Gone Vykti, eiti

Grow Grew Grown Aug(in)ti

Hang Hung Hung Kabėti, kabinti

Have Had Had Turėti

Hear Heard Heard Girdėti, išgirsti

Hide Hid Hidden Slėpti(s)

Hold Held Held Laikyti rankoje

Keep Kept Kept Laikyti, saugoti

Know Knew Known Žinoti, mokėti

Learn Learnt Learnt Mokytis, išmokti

Leave Left Left Palikti

Let Let Let Leisti

Lie Lay Lain Gulėti

Lose Lost Lost Pamesti, netekti

Make Made Made Daryti

Mean Meant Meant Reikšti

Meet Met Met Susitikti

Pay Paid Paid Sumokėti

Put Put Put Dėti, padėti

Read Read Read Skaityti

Run Ran Run Bėg(io)ti

Say Said Said Sakyti

See Saw Seen Matyti

Sell Sold Sold Parduoti

Send Sent Sent Siųsti

Shine Shone Shone Šviesti, blizgėti

Sing Sang Sung Dainuoti

Sit Sat Sat Sėdėti

Sleep Slept Slept Miegoti

Speak Spoke Spoken Kalbėti

Spend Spent Spent Praleisti, išleisti

Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Sugadinti

Stand Stood Stood Stovėti

Steal Stole Stolen Vogti

Swim Swam Swum Plaukti

Take Took Taken Imti

Teach Taught Taught Mokyti

Tell Told Told Pasakyti, liepti

Think Thought Thought Galvoti, manyti

Throw Threw Thrown (Iš)mesti

Understand Understood Understood Suprasti

Write Wrote Written Rašyti

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I wrote I did not/didn‘t write Did I write?

You wrote Yuo did not/didn‘t write Did you write?

He wrote He did not/didn‘t write Did he wwrite?

She wrote She did not/didn‘t write Did she write?

It wrote It did not/didn‘t write Did it write?

We wrote We did not/didn‘t write Did we write?

You wrote Yuo did not/didn‘t write Did you write?

They wrote They did not/didn‘t write Did they write?

Past Simple veiksmažodžio to write

1. Duotus žodžius surašyk į: A lentutę taisyklingus, o B lentutę netaisyklingus.















Žodžiai: work, start, see, like, get, think, answer, buy, go, type, stop, give, come, earn, leave, finish, read, have, play, ride, love, speak, understand, live, swim, grow, plant.

2. Kairėje lentelės pusėje perskaityk duotą informaciją apie Davidą Parkerį, o dešinėje – užpildyk tuščias vietas sakiniuose.

David got up at eight o‘clock yesterday.

He washed, shaved and had breakfast.

He went to work at nine. He drove in his car.

He had lunch at one.

David finished work at half pas six.

In the evening he went to the cinema and saw an interesting film. 1. When_______David_______up yesterday?

He_______up at eight.

2. _______he wash and shave?

Yes,_______ ________.

3._______he________to work at ten?

No, he_______.

4.________he_______to work in his car?

Yes, ________ ________.

5. When_______David_______work?

He_______work at half past six.

6. _______he_______television yesterday evening?

No, _________ _________.

7.What________he do yesterday evening?

He________to the cinema.

3. Parašyk rašinį apie savo vakarykštę veiklą (ne mažiau kaip 150 žodžių, ne daugiau kaip 200 žodžių).


Future Simple Tense

(Būsimasis paprastasis laikas)

Future Simple veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I shall

write I shall not/shan‘t write Shall* I write?

You will write Yuo will not/won‘t write Will you write?

He will write He will not/won‘t write Will he write?

She will write She will not/won‘t write Will she write?

It will write It will not/won‘t write Will it write?

We shall write We shall not/shan‘t write Shall we write?

You will write Yuo will not/won‘t write Will you write?

They will write They will not/won‘t write Will they write?

Klausiamąja 1-ojo asmens forma veiksmažodis shall paprastai reiškia, kad klausiantysis teiraujasi, ko pašnekovas nori. Shall I write? – (Ar man) rašyti?

1. Irašyk shall arba will į ttuščias vietas sakiniuose.

• He__________arrive tomorrow morning.

• She__________come this evening.

• I__________see you the day after tomorrow.

• He__________not believe me.

• We__________not remain here.

• I__________be ready in about half an hour.

• I think I__________read a book this evening.

• Life__________be very defferent in a hundred years.

• They__________not beat Italy.

2. Šiandien vakare bus per televizorių bus rodoma laida apie ateitį. Profesorius T.Bloomenbergas pasakos kaip atrodys pasaulis po 50 metų.Peržvelk profesoriaus užrašus ir apačioje parašyk ką jis ruošiasi parasakyti.

People living longer

More people in the world

Robots doing all the hand work

Not so many jobs

People having more ffree time

The weather colder

Not very much oil

Fish farms under the sea

People flying to other planets

People not very happy

Example: People living longer – People will live longer.

More people in the world – There will be more planets in the world.



Present CContinuos Tense

(Esamasis tęstinis laikas)

Present Continiuos veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I am writing I am not writing Am I writing?

You are writing Yuo are not writing Are you writing?

He is writing He is not writing Is he writing?

She is writing She is not writing Is she writing?

It is writing It is not writing Is it writing?

We are writing We are not writing Are we writing?

You are writing Yuo are not writing Are you writing?

They are writing They are not writing Are they writing?

o Continuos forma yra vartojama visais trimis laikais – Present (esamuoju), Past (būtuoju) ir Future (būsimuoju).

o Present Continiuos laikas yra naudojamas reikšti veiksmui vykstančiam (besitęsinčiam) kalbėjimo momentu arba dabarties laikotarpiu.

o Present Contiuos laika sudaromas iš atitinkamo laiko pagalbinio veiksmažodžio to be ir veiksmažodžio –ing formos. Ši forma sudaroma iš bendraties, pridedant galūnę –ing, pvz.,

to learn – llearning, to stand – standing ir t.t.

o Veiksmažodžiai, kurie baigiasi netariamąją e, netenka jos prieš galūnę –ing: to write – writing, to come – coming ir t.t.

o Veiksmažodžiai, kurie baigiasi priebalse, prieš kurią eina kirčiuotas balsis, galinė priebalsė sudvigubinama: to run – running, to sit – sitting, to swim – swimming ir t.t.

o Tokie veiksmažodžiai, kaip to lie, to die, to tie, prieš galūnę –ing vietoj i turi y: die – dying, lie – lying, tie – tying ir pan.

o Su Present Simple laiku nnaudojami žodžiai: now, at this moment ir pan., nasakantys dabartį.

1. Sudaryk teiginius, klausimus iš teiginių ir atsakymus į klausimus iš duotųjų žodžių.

Example: A man/smoke/a cigarette. A man is smoking. What is the man smoking? He is smoking a cigarette.

• Tom/eat/a cake …………………………

• Mum/cook/dinner …………………………

• Billy/travel/to London …………………………

• Students/read/in the library …………………………

• A secretary/type/on a type-writer …………………………

• Susan/sleep/in the bed …………………………

2. Sudaryk sakinius iš duotųjų žodžių naudodamas Present Simple ir Present Continius laikus.

Example: drink/usually/milk/beer I usually drink milk, but now I‘m drinking beer.

• Eat/always/apples/bananas …………………………

• Drive/usually/a Lada/a Ford …………………………

• Travel/generally/by car/by train …………………………

• Plant/always/cucumbers/carrots …………………………

• Sleep/always/bed/a floor …………………………

3. Užpildyk tuščias sakinių vietas kairėje lentelės pusėje pasinaudodamas duotaisiais žodžiais dešinėje bei Present Simple ir Present Continuos laikų sudarymo lentelėmis.

1. I never…….to my office on Sunday. Go

2. It is late evening now and the children……… Sleep

3. He is a businessman and he often………abroad. Travel

4. We seldom……….for dinner, but today is my wife‘s birthday and we………..a special dinner at the best restaurant in town. Go out


5. Oh, the telephone……….Who could it be? Ring

6. “Why……” “I……..for my girlfriend, but she never…….in time.” Stand, wait


7.It……, so we………inside. Rain, stay

4. Present Simple laiko sakinius paversk Į Present Continuos laiko sakinius.

Example: She reads books every Friday. She is reading a book now.

• I somethimes write letters to my brother. …………………………

• He plays basketball every week. …………………………

• I always lie iin bed until 10 o‘clock. …………………………

• She eats apples every summer. …………………………

• They don‘t play a computer games. …………………………

5. Pažiūrėk į paveikslėlius ir parašyk ką šiuo metu veikia jų veikėjai.

1. …………………………


2. …………………………


3. …………………………


6. Išversk sakinius į anglų kalbą.

• Šiuo metu mano pusbrolis taiso kompiuterį. ………………………..

• Dabar mano sesuo tvarko kambarį. …………………………

• Aš piešiu kaimą. …………………………

Past Continuos Tense

(Būtasis tęstinis laikas)

Past Continuos veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I was writing I was not/wasn‘t writing Was I writing?

You were writing Yuo were not/weren‘t writing Were you writing?

He was writing He was not/wasn‘t writing Was he writing?

She was writing She was not/wasn‘t writing Was she writing?

It was writing It was not/wasn‘t writing Was it writing?

We were writing We were not/weren‘t writing Were we writing?

You were writing Yuo were not/weren‘t writing Were you writing?

They were writing They were not/weren‘t writing Were they writing?

o Past Continuos laikas yra naudojamas reikšti veiksmui, vykusiam ir besitęsusiam kuriuo nors praeities momentu. Kaip ir kiti Continuos laikai, jis pabrėžia veiksmo tęstinumą.

o Palyginkime the Present Continuos ir Past Continuos laikus.

What are you doing? I‘m waiting for a bus.

What were you doing at six o‘clock yesterday evening? I was waiting for a bus.

o Palyginkime Past Continuos ir Past simple laikus.

When the telegrame arrived, I was packing a suitcase.

We were watching the news then the phone rang.

1. Užpildyk tuščias sakinių vietas duotaisiais žodžiais PPast Continuos laiku.

Example: John Brown was looking out of the window.

to read, to fly, to drink, to watch, to write, to have

• Sue and Mark Dent________________a meal.

• Miss Collins_______________a magazine.

• Connie Wright_______________a letter.

• The pilot_______________the plane.

• Peter Jones_______________afilm.

• Ellen and Robert________________orange juice.

Eat breakfast/Queen comes in

Walks across bridge/meets tiger

Roof falls in/watch television

Climbs stairs/see ghost

Looks into mirror/it breaks

Lie on beach/elephant comes out of sea.

2. Mr Pratt dažnai sapnuoja. Apie savus sapnus jis pasipasakoja psichiatrui. Kaip Mr Pratt apibūdina savus sapnus? Pasižiūrėk į psichiatro užrašus ir apibūdik jo sapnus naudodamas the Past Continuos ir Past simple laikus.

Example: Eat breakfast/Queen comes in – The Queen walked in when I was eating breakfast.


Future Continuos Tense

(Busimasis tstinis laikas)

Future Continuos veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I shall be writing I shall not be writing Shall I be writing?

You will be writing Yuo will not be writing Will you be writing?

He will be writing He will not be writing Will he be writing?

She will be writing She will not be writing Will she be writing?

It will be writing It will not be writing Will it be writing?

We shall be writing We shall not be writing Shall we be writing?

You will be writing Yuo will not be writing Will you be writing?

They will be writing They will not be

writing Will they be writing?

o Future Continuos laikas yra naudojamas reikšti veiksmui, vyksiančiam kuriuo nors ateities momentu.

I shall be learning english tomorrow all day long.

o Pnagrinėkime kelis skirtingus laikus:

I write a letter to my brother every week. (Present Simple)

I‘m writing a letter to my brother now. (Present Continuos)

I wrote a letter to my brother yesterday. (Past Simple)

When my friend came yesterday (Past Simple), I was writing a letter to my brother. (Past Continuos)

I‘ll be writing letters tomorrow all day long. (Future Continuos)

1. SSue ir Kate diskutuoja apie savo atostogų planus. Užpildyk jų pokalbį naudodamas will, won‘t arba shall su duotais veiksmažodžiais arba panaudok Present Continuos laiką.

Sue: Where are you and Ben going for your holidays, Kate?

Kate: Morocco. We__________(spend) ten days in Agadir.

Sue: Oh, that__________(be) nice. When are you going?

Kate: On Friday night. Our plane leaves at seven, and we__________(arrive) at four in the morning.

Sue: You__________a holiday after that.

Kate: Oh, I don‘t mind night flights. Anyway, we__________(enjoy) the sunshine this time next wweek.

Sue: __________you__________(stay) in a hotel?

Kate: Yes, a big hotel not far from the beach.

Sue: Our holiday isn‘t until next month. Jerry and I are going to Scotland in the car, we‘ve decided. We__________(do) some walking, too. The weatherWon‘t be like AAgadir, of course.

Kate: How long are you going for?

Sue: Two weeks. We haven‘t been Scotland before, so it__________(be) something different.

Kate: Will you take your caravan?

Sue: No, we don‘t want to take the caravan. We__________(have to) find hotels to stay in as we go.

Kate: Well, we__________back from Morocco before you go.

Sue: Have a nice time, Kate.

2. Išversk sakinius į anglų kalbą.

• Ar rytoj tu ilgai busi ofise? …………………………

• Aš vėliau ilgai dirbsiu sode. …………………………

• Mes gulėsime papludimyje. …………………………

Present Perfect Tense

(Esamasis atliktinis veiksmas)

Present Perfect veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I have written I have not/haven‘t written Have I written?

You have written Yuo have not/haven‘t written Have you written?

He has written He has not/hasn‘t written Has he written?

She has written She has not/hasn‘t written Has she written?

It has written It has not/hasn‘t written Has it written?

We have written We have not/haven‘t written Have we written?

You have written Yuo have not/haven‘t written Have you written?

They have written They have not/haven‘t written Have they written?

o Present Perfect laikas yra sudaromas iš pagalbinio veiksmažodžio have/has + 3-iosios veiksmažodžio formos, taisyklinga trečioji veiksmažodžio forma sudaroma pridedant galūnę –ed, o netaisyklingųjų veiksmažodžių trečioji forma pateikta ankstesnėje pamokoje apie Past Simple laiką.

o Kai vartojame Present Perfect laiką, visuomet pabrėžiame veiksmo sąryšį su dabartimi, su to veiksmo rezultatu šiuo metu, pavyzdžiui:

I‘ve cleaned my shoes. ((So they‘re clean now.)

Mr Green has bought a new car. (So it‘s his car now.)

Joanna hasn‘t eaten any toast. (The toast is still on the table.)

1. Prieš mėnesį „Parkway Sports“ klubo nariai nusprendė išvalyti ir pagražinti savajį klubą. Klubas didelių lėšų neturi, todėl klubo nariai laisvu laiku patys susitvarkė aplinką. Jie kati baigė. Iš duotųjų žodžių sudaryt sakinius Present Perfect laiku ir parašyk kas ką darė.

Example: Sue and Peter/the windows needed painting – Sue and Peter have painted the windows.

• Jane/the members decided to plant a tree …………………………

• Bob/the fence needed repairing …………………………

• Angela/they decided to buy some new curtains ……………………….

• David/the cups needed polishing …………………………

• Martin/the minibus needed service …………………………

• Paul and Sarah/they decided to lay a new carpet in the bar ………………….

• Mike and Helen/the kitchen needed cleaning out ………………………

• Tom/they decided to put up some more shelves ………………………

2. Sugalvok ir parašyk atsakymus į klausimus.

Example: Is he going to pay the bill? No, he‘s already paid it.

• Is she going to finish her work? …………………………

• Are they going to buy a house? …………………………

• Are you going to close the window? …………………………

• Is he going to sing his name? …………………………

• Is she going to wash the dishes? …………………………

Past Perfect Tense

(Būtasis atliktinis laikas)

Past Perfect veiksmažodžio to write

Teigiamoji forma Neigiamoji forma Klausiamoji forma

I had written I had nnot/hadn‘t written Had I written?

You had written Yuo had not/hadn‘t written Had you written?

He had written He had not/hadn‘t written Had he written?

She had written She had not/hadn‘t written Had she written?

It had written It had not/hadn‘t written Had it written?

We had written We had not/hadn‘t written Had we written?

You had written Yuo had not/hadn‘t written Had you written?

They had written They had not/hadn‘t written Had they written?

o Past Perfect yra „anstesnis“ atliktinis būtasis laikas. Juo reiškiamas praeities veiksmas, kuris įvyko anksčiau už kitą praeities veiksmą.

o Palyginkime Past Simple ir Past Perfect laikus:

We looked round the museum, and we went to a restaurant. –

Mes apžiūrėjome muziejų ir nuėjome į restoraną.

After we had looked round the museum, we went to a restaurant. –

Po to kai mes apžiūrėjome muziejų, nuėjome į restoraną.

o Kai mes kalbame apie praeitį, dažnai pasakome, jog vienas veiksmas įvyko ankščiau nei kitas. Past Perfect laiką mes ir naudojame, kad nusakytume tą veiksmą vykusį ankščiau nei kurį kitą.

I didn‘t go to see the film last night because I‘d seen it before.

1. Nuspręsk kuris pateiktas įvykis įvyko ankščiau už kitą ir parašyk du sakinius, naudodamas after ir Past Perfect laiką.

Example: The prisoner ran across the yard.

He jumped out of the window.

He climbed over the wall.

After the pprisoner had jumped out of the window, he ran across the yard.

After he had run across the yard, he climbed over the wall.

• The bank clerk gave it to me.

She looked at my cheque.

She counted out my money.


• The mechanic put a new tyre on.

He put the wheel back on.

He took the wheel off the car.


• The reporter wrote a report on the accident.

She interviewed the people there.

She went to the scene of the accident.
