Letters forms

Giving directions Letters of apology (atsiprasymo)

I have enclosed some directions and a map; I would be delighted if you could attend, and to ensure you can find your way I will write some detailed directions below.. In case you don`t know the way I`ll give you some directions, This is just quick note, to tell you how to get to.. Unfortunately I must apologise for..;Please accept my sincerest apologies for.. I certainly owe you an apology as I..; I`m so sorry if I upset yyou in any way.

I hope that you are able to follow the directions given;I look forward to hearing from you. Hope the directions above are cleat enough for you;I am looking forward to hearing from you I implore you to accept my apologies..;I gope you will accept my apologies I hope you believe me when I say how sorry I am..; There is no excuse for.. and I hope you`ll accept my apology.

Of complaint (skustis) Application for a job

I want to express my sstrong dissatisfaction I am writing to complain;I would like to cancel the order/request I am writing with regard to you advertisement, I woul like to apply for the post of.

I insist you replace the item at once I trust the situation will improve;I hhope the matter will be resolved I would appreciate a replay at your earliest convenience, I look forward to meeting you, Please contact me regarding any queries you may have

Accepting an invitation( kvietimio priemimas) Refusing an invitation (atsisakymas)

I am writing to accept your kind invitation Tnahks for the kind invitation; The party you invited me to sounds lovely It will be impossible to attend; I am unable to fit into my schedule I`m sorry to tell you; I`d love to come but

I will be attending, I Look forward to seeing you I can`t wait to see you again, Until next Saturday then I hope to be given the opportunity to meet you some other time I hope we can get together some other time

Asking for info Giving information

I am wwriting to ask/inquire about; Could you please send further details Cand you send me, Tell me if, Let me know I am writing to inform you about, I am pleased to be able to assist you in your enwuiries; The following info is what was requested After you asked me to; I hope this is the inforation you were looking fot; This is what you asked me about..

It would be great help if you could fax me the details; I would appreciate it iif you could inform me as soon as possible Let me know, Tell me soon, Send me the details. I hope that I have been of some helpt to you, I trust that this is the information you require I hope this will help you, Let me know if you need any more help finding out about,