Living in a city

Argumentative composition

Living in a city

Living in a city is that about a lot of people dream in out days. But does living in a city really have as many advantages as people think? Maybe it has more disadvantages.

One point in favor of living in a city is that it’s very convenient. There are many shops, recreation pubs, and clubs, also communication is very good, and you can get very fast from one end of a city to the other. A ffurther advantage of living in a city is that the life here is very active. You can do all trade you like. The life hums here all day and even at night. What is better of living in a city that you can get a job very easily. The more you are qualified the better job you can get, and also you’ll get a better salary. And even if you aren’t qualified you can job.

But the life in a in tthe city isn’t as good as gold. Firstly the pollution problems. There are many cars, buses, trolleybuses in the city and they all pollute the air. In our days even water is polluted. What is more your life is in ddanger every second. You can’t know when some kamikaze will smash into your house or work place. Naturally you aren’t safe anywhere. You are encircled of technology and computers, they can detonate, burn and also forth, and like so it can get us into a danger. Furthermore the life in a city is stressful. You are surrounded by noise, many strangers and you have to seek to belong to the crowd.

All this considered I can say that life in a city can be exciting and very demanding; just not everyone is suited for it.