

London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It is one if the largest cities in the world. The city extends an area over of 1500 square kilometers and has a population of over 7mln. Despite its turbulent development, London has retained its charm and unique character. It has many sights to visit.

One of the most famous sights of London is Buckingham palace. It was built in 1703 by the duke of Buckingham and it was rebuilt in the 19th ccentury by the architect John Nash. Buckingham Palace is the official London’s residence of the queen. Victoria was the first queen who lived there. Buckingham Palace is a big grey stone building with a flag over it. A few words should be said about the flags. If the Queen’s flag flies over the Palace, it means that the Queen is in residence. When the Queen is not in London Royal Standart is taken down and replaced with the ordinary Union JJack. You can also see the Queen’s guards leaving the palace. This is a traditional ceremony as those who visit London often come specially to the palace to watch the ceremony. It always attracts many tourists.

London’s west End is the rrichest part of the city, and its heart is Piccadilly Circus. This is London’s theatreland, and at night it is bright with electric signs. Under the Circus lies one of the busiest stations of London’s underground railway network. In the centre of the Circus stands the bronze statue of Eros on a high pedestal above the fountain. North of the Circus, the streets shade off into Soho and Oxford Street and the Telecom tower. South of the Circus, in Haymarket; there is the colonnaded Theatre Royal, founded in 1720. West of the circus, is the Royal Academy of Arts and opposite it the clock with two figures “Mr. Forthum and Mr. Mason”. West End also covers May fair and Marble AArch, the shopping centre of Oxford Street and Bond Street.

London is a city of parks. Especially famous is Hyde Park, ringed as it is by many monuments. For all art lovers. London offers innumerable museums and galleries. For example the British Museum , the Tale Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museums, the National History Museum and many more. So if you you’re tired of London you are tired of life. Don’t miss the chance to visit this spectacular city.