My company
“Oil“ internationally differentiates in its high operational and moral principles; the company is easy- to- reach for customers working within Europe and in other regions; it not only represents their interests, but also constantly searches for the possibilities to fulfill them better. With our regularity and high level of forwarding services, we seek to contribute to the inclusion of the Baltic region into the international transport corridors. By renting our private wagons, we integrate into the raw material and pproduction distribution system of the plants operating in Russia and other Eastern European states. Our charter flights help people to reach specific destinations and objects also inducing public mobility and business dynamism.
„Oil “ pays constant attention to personnel selection, regularity competence of employees, and initiative maintenance. The specialists of engineering, technologies, economics, marketing, and management work for the company. 70 percent of the employees of the company have university degree, others – college education. Certification of the employees iis carried out every year.
The company is reaching for the following objectives:
For customers – to consider their interests and satisfy their orders, offering the most optimal and economic business solutions;
For employees – to provide a moral welfare, possibility ffor improvement and training of self-expression;
For environment – to create a safe, consonant society, cherish nature, and, by personal example, promote business ethics and culture.
For shareholders – to ensure safety of their capital and come up to their expectations;
Our mission: to morally, properly, and professionally work for our customer for a fair remuneration, contributing to the representation and development of public interests.
„Oil “ realizes that the service quality is determined by functional and technical aspects. We perceive the quality as not only the conformity with expectations of the final result, but also as a pleasant and fluent overall service rendering process. Our quality policy has the following implications:
1. The main quality principle is that a customer must rreceive service in compliance with the agreed upon conditions that correspond to their interests the most.
2. Employees of the enterprise is the main service quality factor. They constantly go to the qualification improvement courses and they are yearly certified in conformity with the requirements of the position taken.
3. Price is not the main quality-determining factor. It must be fair in respect to both parties.
4. Destination should not have any negative effect on the service quality because we rrepresent the interests of our customer anywhere in the world and we are always ready to defend them.
5. Publicity of the enterprise is fair, image corresponds to reality, and information, provided to our customer, is correct and objective.
6. Service rendering process is constantly observed not only by the employees of „Oil“, but also by a customer.
We carry out the forwarding “from door to door” without the reference to the kind of transport, fully representing the interests of our customer. We forward timber, products of industrial chemistry, containers, goods in bulk, as well as other general cargo. Our main forwarding direction is oil and its products.
The guarantee of the quality of services, rendered by „Oil “ – is the team of professional and qualified employees, comprehensive market knowledge, representation of the interests of each customer in different regions of the world, as well as reliable business partners
Company „Oil“ operates as the unanimous unit. We believe that “the chain is as strong as its weakest link is”. So we are always ready to accept reasoned criticism as well as claims in order to be able to correct our mistakes and improve.
Ok lets begin then. I like to talk abou company „„Oil“.
We carry out the forwarding “from door to door” without the reference to the kind of transport, fully representing the interests of our customer. We forward timber, products of industrial chemistry, containers, goods in bulk, as well as other general cargo. Our main forwarding direction is oil and its products.
Our mission: to morally, properly, and professionally work for our customer for a fair remuneration, contributing to the representation and development of public interests.
„Oil “ realizes that the service quality is determined by functional and technical aspects. We perceive the quality as not only the conformity with expectations of the final result, but also as a pleasant and fluent overall service rendering process. Our quality policy has the following implications:
1. The main quality principle is that a customer must receive service in compliance with the agreed upon conditions that correspond to their interests the most.
2. Employees of the enterprise is the main service quality factor. They constantly go to the qualification improvement courses and they are yearly certified in conformity with the requirements of the position taken.
3. Price is not the main quality-determining factor. It must be fair in respect to both parties.
4. Destination should not have aany negative effect on the service quality because we represent the interests of our customer anywhere in the world and we are always ready to defend them.
5. Publicity of the enterprise is fair, image corresponds to reality, and information, provided to our customer, is correct and objective.
In concuding I can say that:
„Oil “ internationally differentiates in its high operational and moral principles; the company is easy- to- reach for customers working within Europe and in other regions; it not only represents their interests, but also constantly searches for the possibilities to fulfill them better.
Company „Oil “ operates as the unanimous unit. We believe that “the chain is as strong as its weakest link is”. So we are always ready to accept reasoned criticism as well as claims in order to be able to correct our mistakes and improve.