Peace, like charity, begins at home. — Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

Peace, like charity, begins at home. — Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945).

conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon 1100 deaths 3600 wounded and 900 000 displaced persons. Israeli side, 120 wounded , 38 killed.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in suicide bombings

The cost of civil war in Sri Lanka is 65 000 victims

Ten years of conflict in Nepal causing violence

Political instability and violence in East Timor

Fragile peace in Democratic Republic of Congo resulted in violence, using girls and children for sexual slavery and aas military soldiers.

ten years war in Côte d’Ivoire resulted in divided country and violence.

18 years conflict between Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army resulted in two million internally displaced persons and hundred of thousands of deaths, kidnapping and sexual slavery

barbaric violence in Darfur, Sudan

Internal armed conflict in Colombia – thousands of victims and displaced persons

Finally, The war in Iraq that is harshly discussed today by United States and their allies.

International Atomic Energy Association and UN are putting efforts ffor disarmament but it’s hardly possible while wars, terror and violence prosper around the globe.

How can people cope with global problems? Well every thing starts at your home. As US president Roosevelt said “Peace, like charity, begins at home”. To mmy mind this quote says that big winnings develop from tiny steps. You do not have to be a president to create better world. Furthermore, It does not matter if you are an ordinary or intelligent person , the basics of humanity are understood the same for all of us.

We can struggle for common wealth involving our selfs into social help like: participation in community’s life, charity activities and providing help for each other. These are the very first steps for better morrow. How many of us could admit that he or she are involved into some peace and unity seeking activity? If your answer is NO, remember it’s better later then never so start with simple things:

having aa talk with your old neighbor who is maybe old and very lonely and does not have whom to talk,

ask your family members how are they, if everything is OK? Maybe they need kind of help but it’s just they do not dear to ask. Take care of your mom and dad, brother or sister.

Be interested not only in your problems, learn to listen to others as well.

Try to live morally full and harmonic life.

There are pplenty of works that can be done by you.

Being good means thinking positively and trying to help others. In addition, Abraham Johannes Muste said “there is no way to peace, peace is the way” . Then being peaceful the world gets colored in brighter colors. External peace is possible only when human is changing him self from the inside, it starts inside me, inside you, inside our hearts , inside our minds. Such unchangeable values like love, family and friends unites all humans. All we have to do is to show love and interest to our close people and help surrounding people. Further, tolerance and harmony can build internal peace. Clean your mind, free yourself. Every day life has to be full of love and respect to yourself and others. Racial, cultural, religious or sexual prejudice have to be stopped

To finish my speech I would like to say that today’s world needs positive attitude towards ethnic, sexual or any other kinds of minorities. Say NO to prejudice. Say Yes to peace. There is no different that my neighbor is dark or light, European or Asian, gay or lesbian, Muslim or Christian remember tolerance and equal rights. Therefore, human beings have tto work along for better future but not no fall into rivers of blood and violence.