Personal letter writting

Personal letter writing

1. Išdėstymas:

Kaip paprasto laisko.

2. adress writing:

iš lietuvos:




( lithuania ) jei i užsienį

Iš užsienio:

14-115 Park Road


BS 2446

Nowember 10th 2004

3. kreipimasis:

Dear Tom ,

4. Intoduction ( išsireiškimai pradžiai ) :

Thank you so much for your long and charming letter.

How nice it was to hear from you at lost.

I‘m pleased to hear that you are well.

I‘m sorry I haven‘t written for such a long time. I‘ve been so busy.

Forgive me for not writing you earlier.

I’m ssorry it has taken my so long to replay to your last letter.

I haven’t heard from you so long time.

I’m writing to ask for your advice on a small problem I’ve got.

Thanks for inviting me to .

I’d like to invite you .

I’m really shocked by your suggestions.

5.Conclusion :

I hope you will answer.

Please write me soon.

I do hope you will be able to write me soon.

Please drop me a line.

I would so loved to see you again ( to hear from yyou again )

All the best to you and your kind family.

5. Love


Bye for now

Best wishes


6. Stilius – šnekamasis

I am – I’m

I will – I’ll

7. Frazeologizmai :

To honest – atvirai tariant

Pull your self together – tvardykis

A false alarm – pletkai

To bbe fit to be tied – nors pasikark

To mean well – turėti omeny

To burn the midnight oil – sunkiai mokytis, net naktimis

To burn the candle at both ends – suderinti du rimtus dalykus ( mokslas ir pramogos )

To be in seven heaven – džiaugsmas

To have a sharp tongue – aštrialiežuvis

As busy as a bee – darbštus kaip bitė

A rolling stone – nepastovus, permainingas žmogus

A faer with friends –

To give someone the cold shoulder – ignoruoti

A flying visit – paviršutiniškas vizitas, kelione

Everything is good in its season – viskam savas laikas

No pain, no gain – be darbo nėra rezultatų

Good health is above wealth – sveikata brangesnė už turtą

Live and learn – gyveni ir mokaisi

Lost time is never found again –– laiko nesugražinsi