Today I’m going to talk about: Rabies
I’ve divided my presentation into two parts:
First I’d like to introduce about rabies and second I’ll present same.
So, let’s start with introduce
Rabies, acute, contagious infection of the central nervous system,
caused by a specific virus that enters the body through the bite of an
animal. All warm-blooded animals are susceptible, but in North America the
disease is most common in skunks, foxes, bats, raccoons, dogs, and cats.
Most of the cases of rabies in hhumans are caused by the bite of one of
these animals. The incubation period in humans varies from three weeks to
120 days, with an average of about four to six weeks. Rabies is virtually
always fatal when vaccine is not administered. Rabies is described in
medical writings dating from 300 bc, but the method of transmission or
contagion was not recognized until 1804. In 1884 the French bacteriologist
Louis Pasteur developed a preventive vaccine against rabies, and
modifications of Pasteur’s methods are still used in rabies therapy today.
The Pasteur program, or variations of it, has greatly reduced the
fatalities in humans from rabies. Modern treatment, following a bite by a
rabid or presumed rabid animal, consists of immediate and thorough
cleansing of the bite wound and injection into the wwound and elsewhere of
hyperimmune antirabies serum. A 14- to 30-day course of daily injections of
rabies vaccine is then given; booster doses are given 10 days after this
course and again 20 days later.
The traditional vaccine contains inactivated rabies virus grown in
duck eggs. A newer vaccine, which contains virus prepared from human cells
grown in the laboratory, is safer and requires a shorter course of