School education
School education:
General secondary education is provided at triple level, twelve-year general education schools. One or more levels, i.e. primary: forms 1-4 (age 6/7 to 10/11); lower secondary: forms 5-10 (age 10/11 to 16/17); and secondary: forms 11-12 (age 16/17 to 18/19) can form an independent establishment. The Ministry of Education and Science regulates the length of the academic year. Other types of general education schools include gymnasiums and international baccalaureate schools. Gymnasiums provide an in-depth specialized general education and set hhigher requirments for pupils. They usually have forms 1-4 consisting of pupils in their 9-12 school years. Lithuanian gymnasiums specialize in the Humanities (Classical and/or Contemporary Languages and Social Sciences), Practical Arts (Natural Sciences, Technology and Economics) and Fine Arts (Art and Music). Gymnasiums offering these specialities have a four-year curriculum. Pupils must have completed the eight grades in a general education school. Fine arts gymnasiums offer a 6- to 9-year curriculum. Graduates of secondary education, after passing the Maturity eexaminations, are awarded the Maturity Certificate which gives access to higher education. Thos who complete secondary education but do not take the Maturity examinations are awarded a Secondary School Graduation Certificate.General secondary education is also offered in appropriate vocational schools. AAdults can acquire a general education at adult general education schools (training centres) and adult departments (classes) at general education schools. Pupils undergoing treatment in sanatoriums can acquire a general education at the sanatorium’s own general education school. Special schools are devoted to children with special needs. Child welfare establishments for educating learning-impaired children are also attached to these schools. Youth schools provide initial work skills and a general education for those having trouble adapting to society or not wishing to study at other schools.
Higher education:
In Lithuania, higher education is provided by 26 higher education institutions (HEI): 15 state university level institutions, 4 state non-university HEI, 4 non-state university level HEI and 3 non-state non-university level HEI. Undergraduate studies last ffor four to five years in HEI. A professiobnal qualification can be obtained together with a degree (at university level) or separately (non-university level). Upon completing a Bachelor’s programme, students can follow a specialized professional or Master’s programme that lasts for one-and-a-half to two years.Doctoral studies last for four years, of which one-and-a-half to two years are devoted to preparing for Doctoral examinations. Candidates must prepare and publicly defend a doctoral dissertation to be awarded a Doctoral degree. The Lithuanian GGovernment, on the recommendation of the Science Council of Lithuania, grants the right for research and HEI accept candidates and award Doctoral Degrees in a speciality. State research institutes (29), in an effort to integrate research and higher education, are organizing joint doctoral curricula with institutions of higher education.
Main laws/decrees governing higher education:
Decree: Law on Higher Education Year: 2000
Concerns: All higher education institutions
Academic year:
Classes from: Sep to: Jun
Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 31 Aug
Languages of instruction: Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, English, German, French
Stages of studies:
Post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):
Non-university level:
There are 7 non-university level HEI that provide higher education. Studies last for 3 to 4 years. Students should hold a Maturity Certificate or Diploma from a junior college. After completion of studies, a Higher Education Diploma is conferred.
University level studies:
University level first stage: Basic studies (Pagrindines studijos):
Basic studies lead to a Bachelor’s Degree or a professional qualification and generally last for four or five years (160 credits, 1 credit being one week of student work, 40 hours workload per week). They include general theory, speciality theory and practical subject modules. The programme may lead to a professional qualification (Diploma) such as teacher, engineer, artist etc
University level second stage: SSpecialized or Master’s studies (Magistras):
Upon completion of a basic study programme, graduates may pursue specialized professional studies or studies leading to a Master’s Degree which last for one-and-a-half to two years. Specialized professional study programmes lead to professional qualifications, e.g. the qualification of medical doctor.
University level third stage: Doctoral studies (Doktorantūra):
The Doctorate may usually be awarded after the candidate has obtained a Master’s Degree, a professional qualification or an equivalent Certificate. It takes no more than four years, of which one-and-a-half to two years are spent on doctoral courses. The volume of these courses is no less than five subjects with final examinations, each subject taking more than 45 hours. Upon completion of the doctoral course, a doctoral thesis must be prepared and publicly defended in order for the candidate to qualify for the Doctorate. Doctoral studies must be jointly organized by higher education and research institutions.
University level fourth stage: Habilitation/Habilitacija:
The highest academic research qualification, the Habilituotas Daktaras, is awarded to holders of a Doctorate who have published significant scientific results in relevant Lithuanian or international journals as well as in monograph or habilitation theses