Stranger than fiction

Stranger than fiction

Once lived boy named John. He was 14 year old. The boy was very friendly and helpful. John and his parents lived in a villge. They had a big farm with a lot of land and livestock.

One morning John and his father were going to the market to sell some vegetables and fruits they had grown. It was very cold. The roads were iceovered. However they were being late so they were in a hurry. The engine were rroarring. Suddenly the car stardet skiding from side to side. It became uncontrolled. In the distance you could see another car, which were oncomming. John burried his face in his hands and started praying and waiting for the crash. The cars were comming up to each other, when suddenly John felt the car turning around and stopped.

This event was seemed to John to be full of fear and mystery. Who could know..maybe the prayer aid to avoid the accident. When JJohn got into the bed that night, he could hardly believe what had happened that day.