studijos kitoje šalyje
78 Garden
Madrid sw 6
9 June
Dear …..,
How are you? I am fine. I’m in Madrid, at the interchange programme in Spain School of Spain. I’m in class 9 with ten other students. They are all from different countries – England, France, Germany, Japan, JAV, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Canada, Turkey. Our teacher name is Susan Smith. He’s very nice. He’s funny and he’s very good teacher.
My new address is at the top of the letter. I live in hostel near the ssea. We live three girls in room. Diana, Rima and I. We agree together. Diana is tall, with brown hair, brown eyes and very fun character. Rima is low, slim figure, curly shiny hair, but she is very stubborn. We a lot of time spend together.
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. Madrid is a city of great cultural and political importance. While Madrid possesses a modern infrastructure, it has preserved the look and feel of many of iits historic neighborhoods and streets. It’s landmarks include the huge Royal Palace of Madrid; the Teatro Real (Royal theatre) with its restored 1850 Opera House; the Buen Retiro park, founded in 1631; the imposing 19th-century National Library building (founded in 11712) containing some of Spain’s historical archives; an archaeological museum of international reputation; and three superb art museums: Prado Museum, which hosts one of the finest art collections in the world, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, a museum of modern art, and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, housed in the renovated Villahermosa Palace.
We visited part of city, but we plan visit all impressive buildings and museums, because this city impress me.
There I have very good and fun time, but I miss you, and I want as quickly as possible come back and see you.
Kiss for you :* …….
I am waiting your answer!
Love, …..