The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Travelling Alone Or In A Group
There are many diferent ways of travelling in these days.Some people like travelling in a group and some like travelling alone.
I think that travelling a group can be useful for people who like being alone.Also this way of travelling is comfortable,because you can visit any place in any time you whant.Moreover travelling alone can be more relaxing than travelling in a group,because you can do anything you whant.
Travelling in a group is useful,because you can find many ffriends and lively spend your free time.Some people like this way of travelling because it can be cheaper than travelling alone.And it is good way because some travelling groups aim the allowances.
However travelling alone and in a group has some disadvantages.Sometimes travelling in a group can be very trying and travelling alone can be to much expensive to some people.
To sump up,I think that all types of travelling has advantages and disadvantages.We must choose that way which is tthe best for us.