dear jim
how are you? i`m fine. thanks for your letter. it was really nice to hear from you.
i know that you you will traveling by cruiz, so tell me about your travel. firstly what i want to ask you, what are the travel price? i think this your travel will cost a lot of money. so what does it included? are there any extras?
i know you must be a little irritated by my questions but i am really interested < so where are you staying? what king are your room? single or double?
and what about food? what kind of food are there? are meals included in the price? i think it should be:)
ok, i wont hold you for long, several questions more and i will conclude this short survey:)
are there weight limit by baggage? i think it should because you will take a whole cupboard otherwise. well, as we have started to talk about clothes, so can you teell me which clothes are best to wear?
it is safe to go there, you must to vaccinate, because you don`t know what kind of illness are there.and what language the guides will talk?
anyway write back soon ant let me knnow how are you
with love ieva