Violence of television

Violence of television

To begin with nowadays television takes serious place in our society. It is as a kind of entertainment and source of information. So it is being held as a positive issue. But on the other hand there is much violence on television. And of course it effects people.

Psychologists say that televised violence effects more children than adults, but in general it makes influence for all people. Researchers hypothesize that viewing TV violence can lead to three potentially harmful eeffects. First of all is aggression. Viewing televised violence can lead to increases in aggressive and antisocial behavior and changes in attitudes and values favoring the use of aggression to solve conflicts. Another factor is desensitization. Extensive violence viewing may lead to decreased sensitivity and a greater willingness to tolerate increasing levels of violence in society. People may become totally unconcerned with problems in real life and less care about other’s feelings. And the last but not the least effect iis fear. Watching violence on television may cause the increase of fear of becoming a victim, produce the „mean world syndrome,“ in which viewers overestimate their risk of victimization.

Many of people think what to do to lower violence on ttelevision or it`s effects. It is difficult to say, because tv industry is quite cruel. Perhaps one of the way is to show films and tv shows which contain violence very late at night, when children are sleeping. Another way is that people must choose more carefully what to watch on their own and what allow their children to watch. Maybe if people get more information of the sequences of violence on tv, they would make conclusion and do what is better for them and their family. If the number of viewers would decrease, there would be less violence on television.