Violence shown on TV
Violence shown on TV
I read one article that psychologists did an experiment to answer the question of violence influence on kids in which they showed each of two groups of children a different version of a video tape: One group saw video A which showed a lady acting normally with a big doll. The second group saw video B which showed a lady acting aggressively with the same doll. She was kicking and hitting the doll violently. After showing the cchildren the video tapes, the psychologists left the children in a room with a doll that looked like the one shown in the videos as well as other toys. The psychologists watched the children, and they found out that children who watched video A acted normally, and children who watched video B acted aggressively, hitting and kicking the doll! Because of this experiment, the psychologists came to know that watching violent movies or programs on TV changes children’s behavior, making tthem more aggressive. I believe that every cause is followed by an effect or sometimes effects, and in my opinion, TV violence might change any human behavior, and it would be worse with children. Televised violence has many effects on kkids. They want to imitate things they see. They don’t know the difference between good things and bad things well. Parents must control the TV programs their children watch. But many parents go to work, so they can’t make TV care of their children after school. People must think about the way to get along with TV.
I think that most violence is shown on nowadays directed films, in news and also fortunately in cartoons. Kids almost every day about one – two hours or maybe more watch cartoons, witch contains in my opinion most violence. Look at these cartoons: characters are always fighting, saying courses, acting stupid and so on. Then children go out to play, they act almost the ssame, like they saw in cartoons. So children should be protected from TV violence in order to keep their behavior from being shaped by violence.
I really don’t know what to take for serious crimes. Maybe murderer is the biggest crime for me. Nowadays, in my opinion, no punishments could help to change people. See all these people who came back from prison. They behavior doesn’t change at all, they do everything, like they did before prison. I think just maybe oone or less percents change they behavior and live normal life.
If I watch violent programs every day, I may come to feel nothing gradually. I think it’s not such a big problem with adults. They distinguish TV programs from real life clearly, but it’s not good to watch too much. We watch many acts of violence on TV, and then we don’t feel violence. We need to have more time doing other things than watching TV. It’s important to communicate with the family, go outside and do exercise, enjoy a hobby, think about something, and so on. TV is one part of our life enjoyment (learning information), and we must choose TV programs wisely and watch actively. If we watch TV violence this way, it’s not a problem.