Women and work. Do women and men have equal opportunities

7. Women and work. Do women and men have equal opportunities

Already for a long time one says that the man is the head of the family. He works more heavily than woman and brings money home. Woman worries both about the man and the children. She cooks, washes the clothes, irons and do other housework.(namu ruosa)

But the time goes and the world changes. There are many different opinions about the differences between women and men within the career, and over the eequal rights in our society. Some people still believe that the working life is not for women; that they are not strong enough and the pregnancy is a very big obstacle for good working. Others have different opinion about it. They believe that women are the potential guidance of the future. Also the experts of economic politics says that everybody have to admit that women have better fantasy than men do. It is true that women are easily ill but tthey are more flexible, able to compromise and better team workers. The statistics shows that for a man it is easier to find a job than for a woman. Even if women form the large part of workers, they have bbetter training, to find the job is more really difficult. The role of a woman in our society is so problematic because of the discrimination of women. Many women, who begin the vacation because of the new born children, lose their qualification, because the sciences develop fast and the attained knowledge are outdated. There is a common situation when a woman works in the same position as a man does but her earning is smaller.

It looks like the unequal rights still exists in our society. In a job, where a woman and a man work, a big competition (konkurencija) between them can be noticed (pastebeta). Anyway more and more women become the leaders (vadoves) of big companies. They create nnew companies and successfully lead them.