Geliu parduotuves

The Flowers decorate our daily life. To present or buy the flowers unnecessary needs the cause (for instance when lad than that was guilty against his girl, they present her flowers). But more often flowers are bought on holidays, birth day, weddings and so on. Also flowers are used for gift not only but also embellishment (for instance on wedding to decorate the machine).

1. Segmenting the customers.

a. Who shops at these stores?

Most often in florist’s shops go the people 20 &– 50 years. Since children and teenager have not much money (the flowers they buy only for especial holiday). But elderly people most often go on market/ bazaar (there where more cheaply).

The Man must present the flowers to WOMAN !!! . So who often buy the flowers? Of course the man, because they have more reasons to present the flowers (the appointments, when were guilty, birth days, surprises and so on). The Women buy seldom (to mans they present the fflowers for birthday only, but if the woman want congratulate her friends they better present the belongings). Certainly, there is women which present the man flowers to show what they want from them.

Of course buy the flowers a rich people. TThey more appreciate quality than price. And they buy large quantities.

People which live in city most often buy the flowers. People who live in village grow themselves or buy simply gift.

b. Why would customers come to this store?

People buy flowers for special holidays (for the birthday, funerals, new baby born, anniversary and so on). Small gifts buy to surprise somebody. When people do not know what to buy they can choose small souvenir (small statue, vase or candle stick).

People often choose this stories where: the salesman amiably serve, frankly advice and offers the best quality. In the specialized stories there the flowers always fresh, there is large assortment. There you can trust salesmen opinion. There you can ask hhow look after your flowers (salesman of these stores knows all about all flowers in the store). In these stories the costumers can book the flowers to decorate the church for the weddings and christening or the hall for the funeral.

To costumer is important the selection of flowers because he can choose what he wants and what he like. Often costumers choose flowers that are long blossoming and long keeping. The flowers color choosing depends of occasions.

In the fflower stores costumer can buy only flowers and the other one they can buy flowers and gifts too in one place.

2. The consumption occasions for buying flowers and small gifts.

Most of all, the flowers buy on holiday: St. Valentines day, Woman day, Mothers day, 1st of September, All Saints day. On St. Valentine day people buy red roses; on Woman day tulips, Mothers day roses and other flowers; on 1st of September narcissi, tulips, amaryllis, carnation, and on All Saints day people buy autumns flowers such as chrysanthemums, callas.

What about small gifts? In flower/gifts shops we can buy the things like harts shape candles (smell sweet) and souvenirs hart forms and post cards – for St. Valentine’s Day; Easter eggs, small rabbits – for Easter; candles in pretty glass vase – for All Saints day. Also we can buy at this stories Christmas toys, small angels, candles and artificial flowers.

Of course people presents the flowers and for another occasions like a Birthdays, New baby born, Parties, weddings, finish school, colleges and so on.

3. The mentality of customers and what they are doing.

Each man is an individual person, who can decide what to buy. For example we go in the fflowers/gift shops when we want have a good mood, admire the flowers and buy window-plants, but often we go to the flowers stories when we must do a presents to somebody. Before we go to the stories we must to decide what we want to buy. If the costumer content with pleasant serve and good quality he want to come back to this store again and again. But if the serve is terrible, the customer loses his good mood and never comes in this shop. Unfortunately in Lithuania there are so many salesman who work just for earn money . When a person is not decided what he wants, he stays in a flower/gift shop longer.

Now we decided go to the three stories in Palanga. We choose: IKI – flowers section, LIEPA – specialized flowers and gifts store and flower kiosk. These shops are very different.

1. Price.

We write the prices in these shops in the table1.

Name IKI LIEPA Flower kiosk

Roses 2-8 Lt 3-10 Lt 0.5-6 Lt

Tulip 1.5 Lt 2 Lt 0.5-1 Lt

Narcissi 1.5 Lt 2 Lt 0.5-1 Lt

Chrysanthemum 1.5 Lt 2 Lt 1 Lt

Calla – 8 Lt –

Window plants 10-50 Lt 10-70 Lt –

Candles 1.5-5 Lt 2-15 Lt 2 Lt

Vase 3-20 Lt 5-45 Lt –

Souvenirs 0.5-20 Lt 1-30 Lt –

Postcards – 1.5-6 Lt 0.5-2 Lt

Table 1.

2. Place.

IKI – it is found in many flat house quarters. So IKI have many ccostumers. Approach at IKI is very comfortable. LIEPA found in many flat house quarters too. And a flower kiosk situated near the street.

All flowers in these three shops are distributed by type, size and color. Souvenirs we can find in show-case and shelves. And window plants distributed by type.

3. Promotion.

In IKI the flowers wrap up in a usual paper. In LIEPA flowers wrap in flowers special papers or pack in special boxes. In flowers kiosk sometimes wrap flowers in old newspaper (originally but.).

In LIEPA small souvenirs the salesman packs in small boxes or gift paper-bags. LIEPA also have visible and big advertisement.

4. Product.

In LIEPA flowers shop costumers can book bunches, weeding bunches, car decorations, halls decorations. If you want they can get the flowers home. And someone bars and cafeterias can make a contract that this shop always supplies flowers to decorate the tables. And in another shops you can just buy gifts or flowers.

And now we can write a deduction:

Of course the best shop is LIEPA, but in this often visits rich man or those who estimate good quality. In IKI visits people who want save the time and money. And in flowers kiosk – people who

look the cheapest way. But kiosk always opens at 8 o’clock. This is very comfortable for people, who want to buy the flowers before their work.

Most often in florist’s shops go the people 20 – 50 years. People buy flowers for special holidays (for the birthday, funerals, new baby born, anniversary and so on). Small gifts buy to surprise somebody.

We went in: IKI 2004 01 28 10.00

LIEPA 2004 01 28 11.15

Flowers kiosk 2004 01 28 12.30