Mutual fund

Mutual fund

Mutual fund is a form of collective investment that pools money from many

investors and invests their money in stocks, bonds, short-term money market

instruments, and other securities. In a mutual fund, the manager trades the fund’s

underlying securities, realizing capital gains or losses, and collects the dividend or

interest income. The investment proceeds are then passed along to the individual


Mutual funds are purchased either: directly from a company or indirectly from a

sales agent, including securitie firms, banks and financial planners.

Usage of Mutual ffund

Mutual funds can invest in many different kinds of securities. The most common

are cash, stock, and bonds, but there are a lot of sub-categories. Stock funds, can

invest primarily in the shares of a particular industry, such as technology or utilities.

These are called sector funds.

Most mutual funds’ investment portfolios are continually adjusted by a

professional manager, who forecasts the future performance of investments

appropriate for the fund. A mutual fund is administered through a main management

company, which may hire or fire fund managers.

Mutual ffunds are subject to a special set of regulatory, accounting, and tax rules.

They are not taxed on their income as long as they distribute substantially all of it to

their shareholders. Also, the type of income they earn is often unchanged aas it passes

through to the shareholders. Mutual fund distributions of tax-free municipal bond

income are also tax-free to the shareholder.

Types of mutual funds

The term mutual fundis the name for an open-end investment company. Open-end

means that, at the end of a day, the fund issues new shares to investors and buys back

shares from investors wishing to leave the fund. Mutual funds can be structured as

corporations or business trusts.

Exchange-traded funds

The exchange traded fund (ETF), is often formulated as an open-end investment

company. ETFs is made of mutual funds and closed-end funds. An ETF usually tracks

a stock index. Shares are issued by institutional investors in large blocks. Investors

purchase shares in small quantities through brokers at a small discount to the net asset

value; this is how tthe institutional investor makes its profit. ETFs are more efficient

than traditional mutual funds and therefore tend to have lower expenses. ETFs are

traded throughout the day on a stock exchange, just like closed-end funds.


Equity funds

Equity funds, are the most common type of mutual fund. Often equity funds focus

investments on particular strategies and certain types of issuers. A stock fund or also

known as an equity fund is a fund that invests in stocks. These funds are typically

held in stock or cash.. TThe objective of an equity fund is long-term growth through

capital appreciation, dividends and interest are also sources of revenue.

Bond funds

Bond funds account for 18% of mutual fund assets. Types of bond funds includs:

• term-funds, which have a fixed set of time before they mature.

• Municipal bond funds generally have lower returns, but have tax advantages

and lower risk.

• High-yield bond funds invest in corporate bonds, including high-yield or junk

bonds. These bonds also come with greater risk.

Money market funds

Money market funds are also known as the safest kind of mutual fund, however

their returns are so low, that they can’t beat inflation over time. Your money buying

power becomes less valuable in a long run.

A major innovation in the investment company industry has been the creation, and

subsequent phenomenal growth of money market funds, which are open-end

investment companies whose portfolios consist of money market instruments.

The reason money funds are so stable is because they invest in short-term

securities like those issued by banks, the federal government or big companies. A big

advantage of a money fund is that it is completely liquid. You can sell your shares in a

money fund at any time. Money market can be divided into two main groups: taxable

funds and tax-exempt funds.

Funds of ffunds

Funds of funds (FoF) are mutual funds which invest in other underlying mutual

funds. These funds are typically funds which an investor can invest individually. It

will charge a management fee which is smaller than that of a normal. The fund should

be evaluated on the combination of the fund-level expenses and underlying fund



Hedge funds

“Hedge funds are funds which uses aggressive investing strategies to seek higher

returns. These funds are restricted by law to no more than 100 investors per fund, and

as a result most hedge funds set exceptionally high minimum investment amounts. As

with traditional mutual funds, investors in hedge funds pay a management fee. These

funds also collect a percentage of the profits (usually 20%).”

Mutual Fund Basics, Less Popular Types of Mutual Funds – Part 1, by Investor Guide


Advantages of Mutual Funds:

In conclusion I would like to say that mutual funds is the right thing to choose

because, first of all you are facing with a professional management of your money.

Investors purchase funds because usually they do not have the time to manage their

own portfolio.

Secondly, diversification, main idea about it is to invest into a large number of assets

so that a loss in any particular investment would be a minimum.

Finally one of the biggest aadvantages is simplicity , because buying a mutual fund is

easy and the minimum investment is small.



Mark Carhart (March 1997). „On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance“. Journal

of Finance 52 (1): 56-82.

M. Grimblatt and S. Titman (1989). „Mutual Fund Performance: an Analysis of

HedgYour Christine Benz. Which Is the Right Fund Share Class for You?

Morningstar (registration required). Retrieved on 2006-04-11.

Sources of Information Invest Wisely: An Introduction to Mutual Funds U.S.

Securities and Exchange Commission. (SEC). Retrieved on 2006-04-11.

“Investments:analysis and management” 9th edition ( Charles P. Jones) N.J.: John

Willey & sons, c2004

U.S. Indexes: Construction and methodology. Retreived on 2006-04-23

Hedging your bets: A Heads up on Hedge Funds and Funds of Hedge Funds U.S.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Retrieved on 2006-04-11.

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