vėdinimo sistema
I. Techninio lygio tyrimas.
1. Atliekamas tyrimas ir jo tikslai 4
2. Tyrimo reglamentas (pirmoji lentelė) 5
3. Peržiūrėta patentinė dokumentacija (antroji lentelė) 6
4. Peržiūrėta mokslinė-techninė dokumentacija 13
5. Išvados 14
II. Lietuviško išradimo aprašymo ir apibrėžties analizė 151. Atliekamas tyrimas ir jo tikslai
Atliekamas technikos lygio tyrimas – tam tikros srities techninių dokumentų paieška ir analizė, kurio tikslas yra:
1. Išsiaiškinti kas toje srityje pasiekta;
2. Išsiaiškinti pirmaujančias šalis (kuri iš jų yra ryški lyderė) bei firmas ;
3. Nustatyti, kokios vystymosi tendencijos (kas yra tobulinama) .
2. Tyrimo reglamentas
Lentelė Nr.1
Tiriamas objektas ir jo elementai
Vastlybės Klasifikacijos indeksai Tyrimo periodas, (metai) Informacijos šaltiniai
UDK TPK indeksas ir rubrika
Pavadinimas Fondo pavadi –nimas
Inkarai Lietuva, Didžioji Britanija, JAV, Japonija, Prancūzija, NVS, Vokietija
629.12.015.65 B63B21/24 – inkarai
1. Oficialus biu -letenis “Išradi -mai. Dizainas. Prekių ženklai.”
2. Patentų
(išradimų) aprašymai
3. R.ž.”Vodnyj transport ” (rus.)
4. Bibliografijos žinios
5. Internetas
http://www.fips.ru Klaipėdos teritoriniai patentų fondai
Išradimo pavadinimas Valstybė,
TPK indeksas, apsauginio dokumento tipas ir numeris 1. Pareiškėjas (valstybė).
3. Patento savininkas.
4. Paraiškos padavimo data.
5. Publikacijos data.
Sprendinio esmė Panaudoji-mo pobūdis
1 2 3 4 5
4. 2004-11-03
5. 2006-10-17
An anchor having a hollow body, curved sides, and weighted ends. The anchor is attached to an anchor rode by a curved rod extending between the ends oon which an anchor rode shackle or thimble may be connected for movement end to end.
Floridos inkaras
B63B21/24; B63B21/27.
Paraiškos Nr
US2006207489 1,2,3.WALDROP DONALD
4. 2006-02-08
5. 2006-09-21 An anchor system designed to quickly anchor and release a boat in shallow water with minimal effort and llittle to no distraction from other activities such as fishing, which has an anchor sleeve containing a sleeve liner through which an anchor pole with a pointed bottom end passes through, said anchor pole extending below the hull of a boat into the lake or river bottom beneath, and which anchor pole can engage a locking insert when the anchor pole is twisted in either direction, said locking insert located in a notch
3. Peržiūrėta patentinė dokumentacija
Lentelė Nr.2
Lentelės Nr.2 tęsinys
1 2 3 4 5
cut out of the top of the sleeve liner, allowing the anchor pole to be locked in a stowed position, and which has an upper flange which engages a hand grip wrapped around the top of the anchor pole, preventing the ttop end of the anchor pole from dropping completely through the boat hull, and which has a bottom flange attached to the boat hull bottom through which the anchor pole passes, and which has an attaching nut which attaches the anchor sleeve to the boat deck.
B63B21/22; B63B21/36; B63B21/00; B63B21/24.
Paraiškos Nr
4. 2003-06-18
5. 2005-01-13 PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To dissolve snagging of an anchor for a small-sized ship for leisure and the like with a simple device, and enable space-saving storage bby providing a folding structure.
SOLUTION: A position of a chain is changed by cutting a cord, so that the chain is capable of being easily pulled up, when a snagging occurs. The anchor can be applied to wide range of ships only by changing the thickness of the cord corresponding to the size of the ship. The structure is so simple that there is no concern over a breakdown, and the operation Susipažinta.
Lentelės Nr.2 tęsinys
1 2 3 4 5
of the anchor is not difficult in using except tying the cord again only after when the device os the anchor is operated, which causes no stress to the user enjoying usual fishing .and the like.
Inkaro montavimas JAV;
E02D7/24; B63B21/27; E02D7/00; B63B21/24.
Paraiškos Nr
4. 2005-06-30
5. 2006-06-15
A system and method for installing a pile anchor ( 75 ) using an anchor installation system ( 100 ). The anchor installation system comprising an elongated hollow anchor element ( 75 ) that is releasably attached to an installation element or installer ( 50 ). The installer can be used repeatedly for multiple installations. Susipažinta.
Jūrinis inkaro
B63B21/48; F16L27/00; B63B21/24; F16L27/00.
Paraiškos Nr
4. 2005-02-11
5. 2005-08-18
A sea anchor comprising a frame, a body and an attachment member. The frame includes a base ring aand an opposing ring spaced apart therefrom, and a plurality of ribs extending between the base ring and the opposing ring, and a plurality of lead lines extending from the base ring away from the opposing ring. The body comprising a covering that extends between the opposing ring and the base ring. Susipažinta.
Lentelės Nr.2 tęsinys
1 2 3 4 5
The attachment member is attached to the lead lines and facilitates attachment of the sea anchor to an outside boat line.
Sulankstomas inkaras JAV;
B63B21/38; B63B21/44; B63B21/24.
Paraiškos Nr
4. 2005-01-10
5. 2005-06-02
A convertible anchor capable of being converted between a first position usable on sandy bottom floors and a second position usable on debris laden bottom floors, such as reefs. The convertible anchor may include an elongated shank and one or more flukes rotatably coupled to the elongated shank. The convertible anchor may also include an engagement limiting device placing the convertible anchor in a first position in which the fluke is prevented from rotating relative to the elongated shank. The convertible anchor may also include an engagement limiting device placing the convertible anchor in a first position in which the fluke is prevented from rotating relative to the elongated shank. The convertible anchor may also include a catch ddevice so that the convertible anchor can grab a debris laden bottom when the convertible anchor is in the second position.
Lentelės Nr.2 tęsinys
1 2 3 4 5
Inkaras skirtas švarta-
vimuisi jūroje JAV;
B63B21/26; B63B21/22; B63B21/24; B63B21/00.
Paraiškos Nr
US2005120936 1,2,3.
4. 2004-10-29
5. 2005-06-09 Anchor for mooring of buoyant marine structures. The anchor comprises an elongated shaft with a mooring line attachment that is rotatable around the full circumference (that is, a full 360 degrees of rotation) of the anchor shaft. The lower end of the shaft comprises nose section, while the upper end comprises a tail section. A plurality of fins are attached to the nose section and tail section, and extend radially outward from the anchor shaft. While the number of fins may vary, one presently preferred embodiment has three fins in each section of the anchor shaft. The anchor is preferably configured (via design of the nose and tail section fin areas, shapes, etc., and the location of the mooring line attachment along the anchor shaft) such that less soil resistance is created on the nose section than on the tail section under the influence of a mooring line load, so that the anchor will rotate slightly about the mooring line attachment point under the
applied load while penetrating deeper into the soil underlying the seabed.
Lentelės Nr.2 tęsinys
1 2 3 4 5
Inkarinės sistemos ir metodai skirti švartavi-
B63B21/26; B63B21/24.
Patento Nr
4. 2004-02-27
5. 2005-05-24 The present invention is a novel anchoring system comprising: a housing; a connector that connects the housing to an object; at least one motor which is contained within and fixed to said. housing; and at least three movable elongated members, each having a proximal tip, a distal tip, a retracted storage position and an extended operative position rrelative to the housing. Each elongated member is operably linked to at least one motor, and an elongated member is essentially contained within the housing when said elongated member is in a storage position and the elongated member extends away from the distal surface of said housing into a
penetrable environment when the elongated member is in an extended operative position. Susipažinta.
Jūrinis inkaras
B63B21/48; B63B21/24.
Paraiškos Nr
4. 2001-11-26
5. 2003-06-03
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a sea anchor having aa resistive body which can be pulled up by pulling a towing line by varying the dimensions of a drain opening formed at a top part. SOLUTION: This sea anchor is provided with a plurality of tension ropes connected to aa ship at a marginal part Susipažinta.
Lentelės Nr.2 tęsinys
1 2 3 4 5
of one opening end of the cylindrical resistive body which has openings at one end and the other end. A center cord extending from the ship is further extended into an inside of the resistive body through the one opening end thereof and arranged along a marginal part of the other opening end to form a loop by fixing an end part of the center cord to the center cord. Thus, pulling the center cord makes it possible to control the dimensions of the other opening end (dimensions of the drain opening).
Inkaro konstrukcija
B63B21/34; B63B21/24.
Paraiškos Nr
4. 2001-08-23
5. 2003-02-27
An anchor for tethering a small boat has a body provided with fflukes adapted removably to be embedded in the ground along a body of water at an angle of about 45 DEG to the vertical. The body has a flange which overlies a portion of the body and the flange has a bridge juncture with the body that facilitates embedding the flukes at such angle. The flange is inclined to the body at such angle as to minimize a force-transmitting moment arm between the flange and the flukes.
Susipažinta.4. Peržiūrėta mokslinė-techninė dokumentacija
1. BBarbero, G. Adsorption phenomena and anchoring energy in nematic liquid crystals. – Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2005 – 352p.
2. Brown, J.N. Dropping anchor, setting sail: [geographies of race in Black Liverpool ]. –Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005 – 306p.
3. Butros, F. Prestressed advanced composites for strengthening steel structures: [development and design of prestressing and anchorage system]. – Göteborg: Chalmers tekniska högsk., 2004 – 74p.
4. Eligehausen, R. Anchorage in concrete construction. – Berlin: Ernst & Son, 2006 – 378p.
5. Eriksson, J. Head related transfer function with the bone anchored hearing aid. – Göteborg: Chalmers tekniska högsk., 2003 – 51p.
6. Galal, A. Anchoring reform with a US-Egypt free trade agreement. – Washington: Institute for International Economics, 2005 – 77p.
7. Hederman, M.P. Anchoring the altar. – London: Veritas, 2002 – 156p.
8. Hinz, E.R. Heavy weather tactics: [using sea anchors and drogues]. – London: Adlard Coles Nautical, 2004 – 185p.
9. Magnusson, J. Bond and anchorage of ribbed bars in high-strength concrete. – Göteborg: Chalmers tekniska högsk., 2001 – 300p.
10. Zierikree, B.V. Seatec Underwater Systems.// Schiff und Haffen.- 2001, Nr 11, p.49.5. Išvados
Atlikę technikos lygio tyrimą, matome, kad 2001 – 2006 metų laikotarpyje inkaro sistemos srityje ir technologijų kūrime pirmavo, Japonija iir Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos.
Lietuvoje šiuo laikotarpiu inkarų sistemos srityje nebuvo užregistruota naujų išradimų. Patente Nr. US2006712122 aprašomas inkaras turintis įdubas su išlenktais kraštais. Patente Nr. US2006207489 aprašoma inkarų sistema skirta švartavimuisi seklumoje. Patente Nr. JP2005007987 aprašomas inkaras skirtas naudoti įvairiems laivo tipams. Patente Nr. US2006127187 aprašoma vientisa inkarų montavimo sistema. Patente Nr. US2005178311 aprašomas įrenginys skirtas montuoti jūrinį inkarą prie borto. Patente Nr. US2005115486 aprašomas sulankstomas inkaras skirtas smėlėtam dugnui. Patente Nr. US2005120936 aprašomas inkaras skirtas švartavimuisi jūroje. Patente Nr. US2005895884 aprašomas inkarinės sistemos metodai skirti švartavimuisi. Patente Nr. JP2003160093
aprašomas jūrinis inkaras skirtas švartavimuisi sunkiomis sąlygomis. Patente Nr. US2003037717 aprašoma inkaro konstrukcija skirta nedideliems laivams.