Robert Burns biography
Robert Burns was born near Ayr, Scotland, 25th of January, 1759. He was the son of William Burnes, or Burness,…
Face to Face Communication
COMMUNICATING The word communicate comes from the latin “communis” or “common”. We speak of a common room that everyone shares…
Traveling always gives as a lot of new impressions, particularly in summer when the weather is good. In that case…
Samuel M. Thompson The Nature of philosophy
Book Review Samuel M. Thompson „The Nature of Philosophy“. The book was published in January, 1961 Monmouth, Illinois.Samuel M. Thompson-…
Klaipeda – one of the most beautifull city1252. Teutonic Knights built the castle of Memelburg at the mouth of the…
Legal forms of business
INTRODUCTIONIf you have decided to start a business, or if you have already started one, it is important to decide…
Adolf Hitler biography
Adolf Hitler – BiographyFounder of nazism, dictator of germany 1933-1945, planned and started world war 2 Adolf Hitler_s Historic BackgroundTo…
My own business
My own business I don’t take part in any lottery, because I think that to win a million is almost…
Ancient Egypytian Society
Ancient Egypytian SocietyAncient Egypt is well know for its rich history and culture, yet no one really understands what daily…
Centralized world
Centralized world 1. Late technologies – the most important thing.2. Internet3. Networks4. Governmental institutions5. Bank-financial systems6. NATO7. EC Now we…
The primary school teachers
Primary education is a process that takes children as they are, and leads them towards what they can become. It…
History of basketball
History of basketball In early December 1891, Luther Gulick, chairman of the physical educationdepartment at the School for Christian Workers…
Telephone history
In 1830 the great American scientist Professor Joseph Henry transmitted thefirst practical electrical signal. A short time before Henry had…
ContentIntroduction 2Types of traveling 3Advantages and disadvantages of traveling on foot 3Advantages and disadvantages of traveling by ship 4Advantages and…
Prince Ivan and Grey Wolf
Prince Ivan and Grey WolfA Russian Tale ——————————————————————————– Once upon a time there was a King named Berendei. He had…