Mano pačios įsimintiniausios atostogos
MY MOST MEMORABLE HOLIDAY It was in the summer of 2003. Our family got up in the morning. The sun…
Politics situation
Politics situation in Lithuania, war and peace Lithuania is independent, democratic central Europe country. Our government consists of president, executive…
Relationship Friends are one of life’s treasures. Having people in our lives with whom we feel comfortable and who make…
Time by the Computer
Time by the Computer Computers are major technological breakthrough of the twentieth century. It is said that dog is the…
Should parents limit the amount of television their children watch
Should parents limit the amount of television their children watch Nowadays television makes influence on children who are watching TV…
Mass media
MASS MEDIA The mass media refers to the people and organizations that provide news and information for the public. Until…
Letters of aplogise
Why do we need an opening line in a business letter or email? – to make reference to previous correspondence–…
Comparison essay on tax systems in Great Britain, The United States of America and Lithuania
„Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets.“…
Comparison essay on elections in Great Britain, The United States of America and Lithuania
By mean of the elections people express their opionion how the country should be governed and who in their opinion…
James Joyce “Dubliners”, story „A Painful Case“
I have chosen to analyze the short story titled “A Painful Case” from James Joyce’s collection “Dubliners”. “A Painful Case”…
What kind of life can a child born in the year 2050 expect
How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very…
About dinosaurs
CompsognathusOne of the smallest dinosaurs known, Compsognathus grew only about as large as a chicken, but with a length of…
Kas įtakoja gyvųjų organizmų elgseną ?
Kas įtakoja gyvųjų organizmų elgseną ? Kad gyvūnai gyvi, nesunku suvokti, nes jie juda ir reaguoja į aplinką. Būdą, kuriuo…
Male and female jobs
Male and female jobs Labour (job) in current and sophisticated economy requires some specific characteristics of a person – comunicative,…
What kind of life can a child born in the year 2050 expect?
How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very…