Peace, like charity, begins at home. — Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)
Peace, like charity, begins at home. — Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945). conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon 1100 deaths…
A BLUE CHRISTMASIt was Christmas Eve and Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman, was sitting in her rocking chair, listening to…
face to face communication
Untitled Face to face communication There’re lot of countries in our world. Of course every country has it’s own businesses,…
About Lithuania. Although I had a myriad of interesting experiences in my ancestral Baltic homeland, three general impressions seemed to…
KITESURFING—————WHAT IS KITESURFING Kitesurfing is the natural evoloution of extreme windpowered watersports. Combining traits of windsurf and wakeboard, the powerful…
Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life
Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life. Although arranged marriages have been a…
Foreign languages
Foreign languages Nowadays it is truly important to learn languages. To begin with, knowing foreign languages broadens one‘s outlook and…
Active voice
Never, usually, sometimes, often, generally, every day. At this moment, just now, now. Already, ever, just, yet, lately=recently, this year,…
Anglų kalbos taisyklės
+ __ ?Present Simple workworks dodoes not work go DoDoes work?go?Past Simple workedwent did Did Future Simple will work will…
Lucky to be alive
One Saturday morning Tom and Mark were walking on the beach. The weather was hot and sunny, but beach was…
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower was built in the 1889, especially for a world mark. The mark was held in Paris.…
Writing an argument for and against
– Writing an argument for and against –The rich should share all their wealth with the poor Today’s world is…
Disatdavtages and advantages of travelling alone and with group
Disatdavtages and advantages of travelling alone and with group Imagine. Sparkling river in front of your eyes, blinding sunshine, a…
Firefighter (gaisrininkai)
FirefighterA firefighter (also called a fireman or firewoman, although these terms have gone out of use in many countries) is…
Delivery of speech
1. INTRODUCTIONIt is known that public speaking is a transaction between you and your audience. Just as the language you…