Intresting places in Lithuania
VilniusVilnius (pop. 541.3 thousand), the capital of Lithuania, is the largest and one of the oldest cities of the country.…
Būti ar nebūti
Būti ar nebūti ? Būti ar nebūti tai populiari dažnai girdima fraze, kurioje užšifruota žmogaus egzistencijos esme. Šie trys žodžiai…
the educational system in Great Britain
The educational system of G.B. is extreamely complex and bewilder- ing.It is very difficult to generalise about particular types of…
Animals in the zoo
More and more animals are now used to be confined into the zoo’s, reservations or other preserved and groomed by…
The role of school in our lives
My topic is what is the role of school in our lives. Children begin to go to school when they…
Everyone likes to have a holiday: to relax a bit, to forget his work and problems. It is not a…
Traveling holiday
People on our planet cannot live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. I had a traveling…
Laikai Present Simple – everyday/year, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, always, never, at weekends, on Mondays .Po when, as, while, before,…
Anglų ego laiškai
Asking for information Dear sir, Whit reference to you advertisement in the ,,Paradise Beach”, I am writing to ask for…
Shows for young
Shows for young Television offers not so many broadcasts for young people, because everybody now is mad about politics. However,…
My individual talk
To begin with, I’m going to speak about myself. It is not a secret that everyone wants to have an…
Stranger than fiction
Stranger than fiction Once lived boy named John. He was 14 year old. The boy was very friendly and helpful.…
Paragraph: Television is a good companion for lonely people.
[TOPIC – tema, tai apie ką bus kalbama]Television is a good companion for lonely people. [SUPPORT #1 – pirmas pagrindimas,…
Living in a city
Argumentative composition Living in a city Living in a city is that about a lot of people dream in out…
Foregn languages
According to the statistics, there are about 6-7 thousand languages. Six hundred languages are registered in the world atlas and…